RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Make QuickFolders compatible with Thunderbird 115 (ESR 2023/24) #351

Closed RealRaven2000 closed 3 days ago

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I have created a new branch ESR115 for all changes related to the next version of Thunderbird (UI SuperNova). We can already test the new UI in the latest betas of Thunderbird 112. AS the folder tree and 3pane window have been rewritten in HTML currently neither the toolbar buttons, the QuickFolders toolbar and any folder tree injections (including custom icons) are functioning right now.

Since I have created a completely new branch this and all future development will be incompatible with the current Thunderbird 102 and all previous versions as it is too difficult to do full compatibility with ESR115 and ESR102 in the same version. I am considering also raising QuickFolders major version to 6 to distinguish its builds. Early test versions for beta users will be made available below - please leave a comment or emoji to be notified automatically.

Elements to fix:

I am currently doing experimental code on my Add-on quickFilters here and will reuse the gained experience for QuickFolders.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Here is a first (very broken) version of QuickFolders that can be installed in Thunderbird 113 beta:


what works:

next steps:

QuickFix version with folder navigation

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

New version 6.0 prerelease27 for testing, see below.

what works here:

what doesn't work:


Entities Changed

To do:

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Latest version below, this one has mainly visual fixes.


To do:

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Thunderbird 113 beta3 broke drag + drop

It seems there were some fundamental changes with dragging messages / folders. Mainly caused by including multiple red herring datatypes.

fixed at least drop handlers for messages & tabs for getting back the most basic functionality.

Next Steps:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Current problem in Tb114.0b3 - it doesn't load fully because or a problem during tab session prep: QuickFolders.prepareSessionStore()

TypeError: mailTabType.modes.folder is undefined - [quickfolders.js:1938:20] (chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders.js)

Temporary quick fix (catching the exception, but not fixing the session store function , which will be in charge of storing QF category):

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Just tested in Thunderbird 115.0b2 - recent folders menu not working, here is a fix:

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

Next Steps:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Fixed most commands in the Mail Folder Commands popup. A lot of these were caused by Thunderbird removing globalTreeController.


To do:

jaysmithgit commented 1 year ago

This is unrelated to the most recent problems, but I can't think of anybody better suited to answer... and how it relates to QuickFolders.

This is a question about the future. This is NOT a complaint and it is NOT a request to fix something. I have learned to deal with it as it is, but I want to know about the future if/when I upgrade.

As you may recall:

1) I have a large number -- many thousands -- of mailfolders on an IMAP server (located locally on the same network as our workstations).

2) Since TB and QF are mission critical applications for us, I have been worried about potential problems resulting from upgrading to the latest TB and thus to the latest QF. We are still using TB 78.7.1 and QF Pro version 5.9.pre33. [When I clicked on QF I just discovered that my license expired four days ago and did not alert me; I have to extend as soon as I finish writing this!]

3) My IMAP organization of folders is largely in by letters of the alphabet. The a-f folder contains the a,b,c,d,e,f folders. The a folder contains all clients whose name begins with "a", etc. The s-range is divided into four folders because of the large number of "s" people. Also virtually all mail folder names include the clients number (now over 20,000 clients -- though not all have mail folders) .... thus the digit "1" is extremely common in folder names.

3a) With this arrangement, if I want to file into or go to certain folders [the letters of the alphabet that start more of peoples' names], the response time increases from fractions of a second TO MULTIPLE SECONDS. I can probably count to 7 in the time it takes for the system to come back with a response to filing into or going to an a mail folder in the s range.

3b) If I try to file into to go to a folder for client 1233 or 12345 AND IF I USE THE NUMBER -- starting with the digit "1" -- INSTEAD OF THE NAME .... THUNDERBIRD LOCKS UP for MANY MINUTES (or at least is non-responsive, and puts out a not responding wait/continue dialog) -- I don't know if it ever actually responds.


Do you know if TB's seemingly significant changes (since 78.7.1) to how it does things in this realm...

a) Do you know if the TB's changes touch on the type of problem or general area of function (delay if large number of first-character potential targets or locking up if very large number of first-character potential targets ) I have described?

b) Do you know if TB's changes may make the problem better or worse?

c) Do you know if TB's changes will allow you to address this type of problem on your QF side of things? [For example, delaying using the user-input until there are X number of characters typed.]

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

@jaysmithgit thanks for the comments, but let's take this off this particular topic, I have lots of ground to cover for 115 compatibility and don't have space here to do general discussion on things like Thunderbird performance. Tb Core was aware of performance problems with folders, I think a lot of these were fixed in the later half of the Thunderbird 102.* cycle. I would suggest backing up the complete profile then updating to Tb91, and waiting for reindexing. then updating to 102 and do the same; afterwards you will be able to tell. Do note that the search routine has to iterate all folders exerytime, and it may sort them according to the algorithm. If you want more activity at issue #239 do a follow up there. However I cannot test with Thuinderbird 78, I have been using 102 for almost a year and 91 beforehand. It's very hard to backport bugfixes to really old versions. IN fact for Tb115 I totally scrapped backwards compatibility because the platforms are so different. If you want faster, simpler code, you should definitely try to stay on the ESR (current version) route - the current version is 102.12.0.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

A user reported an error message that is caused by having no bookmarks (reading list) defined:


This was caused by the different behavior of the replacement routine IOUtils.readJSON(). In this patched version I am handling the problem more gracefully:

Below is a fixed version

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I added the current folder toolbar (still work in progess) - this had to be injected into a separate (3pane) document, so there are still some open ends regards the code. Here is a first version to test:

Also fixed:

To do next:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Still trying to make Navigation bar more reliable (and to make it work with additional folders "open in new Tab")

Fixed buttons

To Do:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I made some changes to support more (folder) tabs with the current folder toolbar. This is still somewhat unfinished because 3pane has now multiple instances and needs to be addressed on a per tab basis. I implemented the recent folder item and fixed the navigation buttons.


To Do:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Improved current folder toolbar (navigation bar) in this version. There will also be a new version of quickFilters that integrates better with the multiple instances of the folder toolbar (when more than 1 folder tab is open)


To do:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

There is still an issue in column view, in which case it may be better to load the toolbar into the messagepanebox (to be on top of the preview) rather than into threadPane - where it ends up at the bottom of the screen...

But the problem of injecting into messagepanebox is that the toolbar will be hidden when no message is selected! This would defeat it's main purpose of navigating to the next unread folders.

To do:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Added an (experimental) action button that can be used to toggle visibility of the main QuickFolders toolbar. At the moment action buttons to not support toggling buttons for add-ons natively so I hacked the existing button and added some classes attributes so work similarly to the "Filter messages" button:


This will replace the toolbarbutton that could be used in Thunderbird 102 to hide the QuickFolders toolbar temporarily:


I will also consider a replacement for the "skip unread folder" and "create new subfolder" buttons, but that will not be in the unified toolbar because of the limit (1 button per Add-on)

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Some stability fixes for the current folder toolbar, including better dark theme support in Betterbird:

Planned next:

To test the version above, download the zip file, and then drag it into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or it won't install.

wa4zlw commented 1 year ago

I have created a new branch ESR115 for all changes related to the next version of Thunderbird (UI SuperNova). We can already test the new UI in the latest betas of Thunderbird 112. AS the folder tree and 3pane window have been rewritten in HTML currently neither the toolbar buttons, the QuickFolders toolbar and any folder tree injections (including custom icons) are functioning right now...

will take a look thanks leon

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I was working on more navigation toolbar . single message window compatibility today. Problems: there is no global tabMail element which made a lot of code non-functional.

Note: usually when I get near 200 builds, I am pretty close to releasing. Here I am not sure yet, there are a lot of stability issues with the current folder toolbar, depending on what kind of tabs are open when the Add-on is activated / installed. In the single message window there is still some rogues content underneath the Navigation bar:


To test the version above, download the zip file, and then drag it into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or it won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

New version available below!

You can now select a category for each folder tab to filter the visible tabs, and this will be remembered when Thunderbird restarts. With QF Pro, one can also select multiple categories by using the SHIFT key:


I will probably release the current feature set as first beta version, 6.0b1, and deliver folder tree icon support in a later version.

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

There was a problem with the tab session being deleted if the ADd-on is manually updated or temporarily disabled during the session. Which means the Categories are reset to "show all" every time I install a new test version. I implemented a workaround and also raised a request on Bugzilla to change this behavior, see: bug 1843704

If Thunderbird wants to delete this session data, it should do it on shutdown and never during the session, as the Add-on may only be disabled temporarily. If the Add-on is disabled when Thunderbird shuts down, it is fine to delete this session data.

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

In this next version I repaired the broken drag+drop that's caused by having the Navigation (Current folder) toolbar in a different document/ window than the main window.

This means QuickFolders is back to being much more useful. And very close to a beta release, after more testing!

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Fixed #368 (Line feeds not displayed). Requires Thunderbird restart - because style sheets are cached. Also it seems some of the style sheets are loaded multiple times, maybe that can be fixed in a future version too.

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

theovanoostenbrugge commented 1 year ago

In maillist the map showing under. When i uncheck all boxes in 'Werkbalk' the map is stil there screenshot

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

In maillist the map showing under. When i uncheck all boxes in 'Werkbalk' the map is stil there

@theovanoostenbrugge - should be fixed now. Difficult to do because there are so many different incarnations. It should also update live when you toggle the settings, both in single message tabs and single message windows:

I implemented a new notification listener in all internal single message windows (about:message) rather than going through the global one. This version also fixes the writing of json data (affects backup and reading list)

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Added back the [F9] shortcut to toggle the folder pane. This is now using the messenger.commands API. Thus, the shortcut can be reconfigured / disabled through Add-ons Manager » Tools Icon » Manage Extension shortcuts. Now that I know how this works I might add more of my shortcuts using this interface.


To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Added translations for [F9] toggle folder tree shortcut. Took a while to test because the debugger is really misbehaving in 115.0.1 at the moment

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Made a bunch of layout improvements in the options window, added the icons back and redesigned "Pro" license icons as svgs.

To do next:

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag the file into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install. You can rename it to quickfolders_6.0.xpi if it makes you feel better. It's the same thing, but github doesn't allow attaching that file format.

hpbruns commented 1 year ago

Hi @RealRaven2000
I just want to test the add inn but I don't know where to put the content of the zip file.

Edited: two minutes of thinking, problem resolved 🤦‍♂️

theovanoostenbrugge commented 1 year ago

@hpbruns: Download as a zip In TB go to Add-ons. Click on setting-button. Add-on installing by file Choose the zipfile. Ready.

hpbruns commented 1 year ago

@hpbruns: Download as a zip In TB go to Add-ons. Click on setting-button. Add-on installing by file Choose the zipfile. Ready.

@RealRaven2000 Thanks, after using my brain I found the solution by myself 😒

bit-byte1055 commented 1 year ago

Installed 303 in Thunderbird 115.0.1 and so far, so good. Such a relief, after updating to 115, then - much to my dismay - learning QuickFolders was incompatible! Kudos!

PotatoCarl commented 1 year ago

Great that QuickFolders is back! 60% of my daily route now still works with Thunderbird 115.crap Thanks!

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Latest version of QuickFolders, that integrates with quickFilters 6.1.1, which I just submitted at ATN for review - I still have to do more work with the current folder / navigation toolbar to make it work better in vertical view. Probably a number of days / up to weeks of development. Therefore I decided to let either quickFilters or QuickFolders users participate in the funding. If they want the extra buttons on the Navigation bar, they can either have a valid quickFilters license or a (cheaper) QuickFolders Standard license.

I also added a routine that checks the license term and updates it every midnight - so that users can be warned about expiring licenses who leave their machines on over night.

the previous version (pre303) doesn't have the license restriction, but I will absolutely have todo a freak-ton of work to make vertical view working, because the message preview pane is in a different window (and document) than the thread pane. It was already very hard to make the current version working, but having the navigation bar at the bottom (in vertical view) isn't really useful at all.

The integration between both add-ons can be configured on the re-designed quickFilters settings advanced tab:


To test the version above, download the zip file, drag the file into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install. You can rename it to quickfolders_6.0.xpi if it makes you feel better. It's the same thing, but github doesn't allow attaching that file format.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

One more version before I release.

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag the file into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install. You can rename it to quickfolders_6.0.xpi if it makes you feel better. It's the same thing, but github doesn't allow attaching that file format.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Yesterday, I published version 6.0 over at ATN - it is currently awaiting to be reviewed, so it might be a day or two until it becomes listed.

Note that it won't be shown on the first page, but under "other versions" at the bottom of the page, as long as Thunderbird 115 is not officially pushed to the public via Thunderbird's update mechanism in 102.


I was told that the Add-ons store has always worked this way, but it's only made more obvious because I had to fork the code to a completely new branch, requiring strict_min_ver = 111.0. So it looks like it is incompatible until Tb pushes 115.1 or 115.2 (?)...

I am leaving this issue open for now, in case there are any regressions that come from compatibility, but I also encourage everyone to add new issues for the bigger stuff now, as I will handle each bug fix for Tb115 in separate issues for better traceability. This thread has become a little monstrous due to the complex nature of the ongoing work.

❤️ Many thanks to all users who participated here! ❤️

PotatoCarl commented 1 year ago

I used Quickfolders in conjunction with QuickFilter to quickly create filters when moving emails. Since Thunderbird 115, this functionality is not working anymore. The Filter Assistant is activated, and when I move the email to the Folder-Jump-To and select a folder, the message gets sorted, but the filter dialog is not popping up. Is it work in progress with 115 or is there anything wrong?

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

The Filter Assistant is activated, and when I move the email to the Folder-Jump-To and select a folder, the message gets sorted, but the filter dialog is not popping up. Is it work in progress with 115 or is there anything wrong?

It should be working (works for me with quickFilters 6.1.1 and QF 6.0), can you file a bug on the quickFilters github please? It could be an issue with account setup vs. quickFilters.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Latest version with tons of changes specific

I used Quickfolders in conjunction with QuickFilter to quickly create filters when moving emails. Since Thunderbird 115, this functionality is not working anymore. The Filter Assistant is activated, and when I move the email to the Folder-Jump-To and select a folder, the message gets sorted, but the filter dialog is not popping up. Is it work in progress with 115 or is there anything wrong?

@PotatoCarl Check this version below, it addresses issue #385 and #354

So assistant with quickMove was actually broken for a long while, should be back in service now.

herve-debar commented 1 year ago

Hello, I upgraded yesterday to TB 115.1.0 on Mac OS Ventura 13.5. used to be able to move messages to a quickfolder by using "OPTION+SHIFT+Number" on the selected message. This seems to not work anymore. Can you confirm and let me know if there are keyboard shortcuts to move messages to folders ? This is the primary reason for me to use QuickFolders. Thanks ! Hervé

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I upgraded yesterday to TB 115.1.0 on Mac OS Ventura 13.5. used to be able to move messages to a quickfolder by using "OPTION+SHIFT+Number" on the selected message. This seems to not work anymore. Can you confirm and let me know if there are keyboard shortcuts to move messages to folders ? This is the primary reason for me to use QuickFolders. Thanks !

thanks for reporting, I raised #387 for tracking this = please leave a comment or emoji over there to follow and download test versions.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I upgraded yesterday to TB 115.1.0 on Mac OS Ventura 13.5. used to be able to move messages to a quickfolder by using "OPTION+SHIFT+Number" on the selected message.

Can you go over to #387 and test the new version there please? You need to configure it for using CTRL(+Shift) rather than OPTION because as far as I can see Thunderbird snatched the Option+Number combos (on Windows ALT+number) away for switching between the spaces, and I cannot seem to override that behavior.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

6.1.1 was released on 08/08/2023

Maintenance Items

Fixed in 6.1.1: Toggle toolbar button and toggle folder pane only work after install, not next session issue #386



Known Issues

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

6.2 was published on 30/08/2023




Known Issues

stefangweichinger commented 11 months ago

Sorry if I post in the wrong thread maybe: I can't install your addon in TB-102.15.1 on Fedora 38. It's rejected as non-compatible. I uninstalled the older release before and restarted TB ... no change. I tried 2 files:


pls advise, thanks for your work

kinryuuko commented 11 months ago

Hi, I just installed quickFilters 6.2.2 on TB 115. When I activate QF and drag an email, I get the pop up window, but it's too big to display on my laptop, and it cuts off the bottom of the window which has the buttons to continue. I used to be able to pull the top of the window down to make it shorter, but doing that now completely hides the buttons and there's no scroll bar to get to them. Pressing "enter" doesn't do anything either. I hope you can resolve this, I really like QF and use it all the time. Thanks, KR

Also, not sure if you were forced to change the activation because of new TB functionality, but I much preferred the old toggle method of activating/deactivating. And I would have chosen green to mean active and red to mean inactive. Just sayin'. :-)

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm trying to comment on QuickFilters not QuickFolders (but will now try QuickFolders!)

RealRaven2000 commented 11 months ago

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I'm trying to comment on QuickFilters not QuickFolders (but will now try QuickFolders!)

the right place is the quickFilters github:

it would be good if you could create a new issue there. By the way you can add screenshots directly from the clipboard.