RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Shift-m shortcut not working for folders in version 6.3 of QF and 115 of TB. #436

Closed swamba closed 7 months ago

swamba commented 7 months ago

/After upgrading to Thunderbird 115 (Fedora 38) and Quickfolders 6.3 then using the Shift-M shortcut to move mails and folders only works for mails and not folders.

If I have the Error Console open while pressing Shift-M and having selected a folder in the folder pane, then the following error appears:

Uncaught ReferenceError: gFolderTreeView is not defined quickfolders-interface.js:1870:31 windowKeyPress chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-interface.js:1870 keyListen chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders.js:719 [Learn More] windowKeyPress chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-interface.js:1870 keyListen chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders.js:719

RealRaven2000 commented 7 months ago

Looks like the global variable gFolderTreeView has been fully deprecated. Please try the fixed version below:

PS: should there be an option to remove the prompt "really move folder xx"? This was to avoid accidentally moving folders when the user really wanted to move emails. It made more sense when we were still able to select multiple folders in one operation.

To test the version above, download the zip file, drag the file into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager, do not extract contents or if won't install.

RealRaven2000 commented 7 months ago

Note: I must remove all uses of gFolderTreeView .

Functions that still use this:

QuickFolders.quickMove.execute()       // this used to call it in the past to reselect the folder, when in single message tab mode
  // monkey patch of gFolderTreeController.renameFolder.  was replaced with gFolderTreeController
  // gFolderTreeController seems also to be deprecated!
QuickFolders.Model.addFolder() // used to restore iconURI from tree when creating a new tab

After removing most of this code, the only thing left is QuickFolders.FolderTree.refreshTree() - but that one is only called from the debug menu item "Force Tree Refresh", so it's a lower priority right now:


fredstluka commented 7 months ago


If you add an option to remove the prompt "really move folder xx", please leave the default that the prompt DOES occur. I use Shift-M dozens of times per day to move mail messages, but when I accidentally hit it with a folder selected, I really appreciate being prompted because I almost never want to move a folder.

Thanks! --Fred

RealRaven2000 commented 7 months ago

If you add an option to remove the prompt "really move folder xx", please leave the default that the prompt DOES occur. I use Shift-M dozens of times per day to move mail messages, but when I accidentally hit it with a folder selected, I really appreciate being prompted because I almost never want to move a folder.

Agreed. I would even go further to reset it to the default behavior (ask) when Thunderbird is restarted. This is really just when you intend to do a big reorganization of many folders ( multiple selection deprecated in 115 due to Bug 1817605 )

RealRaven2000 commented 7 months ago

Fixed in 6.4 released on 04/12/2023