RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Card Renaming #440

Open MarcoAtRome opened 7 months ago

MarcoAtRome commented 7 months ago

It is not possible to change the name on the 'card' (for example, by using a shorter name than the one used for the directory).

RealRaven2000 commented 7 months ago

If by "cards" you mean QuickFolders tabs, Try the right-click menu. QuickFolders Commands > rename tab


then enter the new name:


If the name doesn't change, we need to check for duplicates in the model (tab is defined twice for the same folder) - can you export your folder string using the clipboard function and send me off this list for privacy reasons?

To export the folders string, open QuickFolders Settings, click on the Advanced tab and the click on [Copy Tabs] at the bottom of the settings window:


RealRaven2000 commented 7 months ago

PS: if you send the info to me directly (via the support tab on QuickFolders settings) it may be helpful to mention the issue-nr #440. Thanks in advance...

RealRaven2000 commented 5 months ago

When you right-click any tab you should see something. Check your QuickFolders advanced settings. Make sure you have not configured the submenu away by activating these options "only show with CTRL key held":


if you see no popup at all, please follow the instructions here to create a debug log. in the meantime if you need additional debug settings for generating extra details while QuickFolders tries to create the popup menu, you can use the options cogwheel beside the debug mode checkbox:


you may want to enable extensions.quickfolders.debug.popupmenus = true to see some extra detail in there when you right-click on a QuickFolders tab.

In error console (Ctrl+Shift+J to get there quickly) you can right-click anywhere and copy all messages (this will put the complete log in the clipboard) and then you can paste it here in your comment. I


I highly recommend resetting the console before you right-click a tab, so we get a shorter more focused log (no need to read all the warnings we are getting from when you started Thunderbird)
