RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Tab menu beside tab buttons #445

Open Runenblut opened 6 months ago

Runenblut commented 6 months ago

A long time I have this problem so I decided to report it here. It's not urgent but it lowers the quality of working. Some menus pop up beside the Tab menu buttons and cover the tabs beside the aimed tab. So if you slide with your mouse to move a mail you cannot drop it in the next tabs right of the tab you touched first. Not all menulists are acting this way but they are all with max menuitems. If I click only with the right mouse button on the list it opens normal under the tab. The problem only occurs while draging a mail to a tab.

Help is apreciated

Runenblut commented 6 months ago

I just tried to test a little bit. This issue occurs if the menue has 25 or more entries.