RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Impossible to set up custom icons on several folders #448

Open Caipirinha33 opened 6 months ago

Caipirinha33 commented 6 months ago

Hi, thanks a lot for all the work done to enhance TB!

The issue isn't new. Impossible to set up custom icons on several folders.

TB version : 115.6.0 (but the issue was the same with previous versions)

Best regards

RealRaven2000 commented 6 months ago

ok, can you give some detail, are these special folders? are the IMAP? Maybe try and set up an error console, log to see what happens when you try to assign one.

Caipirinha33 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your help. Folders: some work and others not, without no apparent reason. I tried to reset and set some working folders: it works.
Yes, I work with IMAP only.

On the error console, when trying with not working folders, here are the messages (2 errors by try): image

RealRaven2000 commented 5 months ago

The only thing I see here is that the number of icons seems to change (so QuickFolders seems to believe that you added the folder and saves it in the quickFolders-FolderTree.json file) - not sure that the "decrypt" warning has anything to do with the icons.

You could add some more detail to the error console by enabling debug mode and the following switch:

extensions.quickfolders.debug.folderTree.icons = true

To do this open QF settings / advanced, check the debug mode box and click on the new cogwheel to the right:



When you capture error logs, please don't make a screenshot, just right-click in error console and Copy all Messages:
