RealRaven2000 / QuickFolders

Thunderbird Add-on: QuickFolders
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Tab-Specific Properties stops opening child window on repeated use #483

Open drawbars37 opened 1 month ago

drawbars37 commented 1 month ago

If the QuickFolders Commands > Tab-specific Properties menu item is called more than 3-4 times -- like, say if one was testing CSS color changes in various tabs -- the feature eventually stops working. Clicking on the menu item does nothing from this point, as the child window no longer opens. This usually happens on the 4th or 5th entry into the menu item, whether one clicks OK to exit, or cancels using the 'X' on the previous tries.

Restarting Thunderbird does not fix the problem; one must restart Windows to get the feature to work again. And of course, one must not use the feature more than a couple of times after reboot.

Other QuickFolders menu items still work.

My system:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

weird. I will test with a clean profile once I am back home (currently on annual leave, will be back and of next week)

micz commented 1 month ago

I can confirm this behaviour also on Windows 10 with Thunderbird 115.13. I didn't need to restart Windows to fix it.

Also, when opening that form, it's very slow to substitute the i18n strings. It seems like it does something else before calling the update function.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

the window is actually created as a (modeless) xhtml dialog, I would have to rewrite it as a HTML panel to see whether it performs better. Conversion is complex but it's definitely better in the long run to have pure html than the current mixture of standard html + xml / xul that also still plagues the main interface of Thunderbird.

you can open an experimental html version of the panel by holding down SHIFT while clicking on "Tab specific properties..."


tbh I had forgotten about that, let me try and complete the code for this one to make it work better.