RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Betterbird: With 2-way addresses make sure "any" operator is selected #101

Open RealRaven2000 opened 2 years ago

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

In Betterbird, if we use the rule of 2-way addressing when creating filters through the assistant, for example through the rule "Based on Sender (from)", the operator "match all" is selected which doesn't make sense:


It should preselect "Match any" for the rules to work, like it does on Thunderbird ESR 91.8.1

To test behavior make sure "Disable two-way address search conditions" is deactivated on the Actions tab:


RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Apparently the bug was in Betterbird and was just fixed.

To do: test for intelligent merging of search terms into correct subgroups depending on template. E.g. when adding a new "from" address to a filter that reads:

subject is X AND (from is A OR from is B)

merging a mail with sender "C" the expected result should be:

subject is X AND (from is A OR from is B OR from is C)

Also, if the original filter is

subject is X AND from is A

quickFilters should create a new subgroup:

for this to work it would have to find the last "from is ..." search term and check whether it is in an bracketed expression with an OR operator - if it is with an AND operation quickFilters could potentially create brackets and encapsulate it with the last "from terms":

subject is X AND (from is A OR from is C)

in every case the filter editor should be force-displayed to illustrate the different groupings (Mixing Any and All). It also needs to check whether the current App version supports this patch. I need to find out from @betterbird how to check this compatibility via function detection.

Betterbird commented 2 years ago

Apparently the bug was in Betterbird and was just fixed.

Sorry, since the first "latest build" release we found and fixed four bugs.

I need to find out from @Betterbird how to check this compatibility via function detection.

Maybe Thunderbird are taking the patch in, too early to tell.

BB will ship this functionality with 91.9 next week. If you want to distinguish BB from TB, check


The latter will contain the string "-bb", but perhaps the first one is the way to go.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Apparently the bug was in Betterbird and was just fixed.

Sorry, since the first "latest build" release we found and fixed four bugs.

I need to find out from @Betterbird how to check this compatibility via function detection.

Maybe Thunderbird are taking the patch in, too early to tell.

BB will ship this functionality with 91.9 next week. If you want to distinguish BB from TB, check


The latter will contain the string "-bb", but perhaps the first one is the way to go.

Thanks, preferably is there any new attribute / function / interface in one of the search interfaces that I could use to check whether multi-operator is supported rather than rely on App/Version info? It's always extra work to know which app / fork / version supports what. If some flag / attribute could be added to the nsISearchTerm or filter interfaces then it would be more transparent. Not a must, but nice to have!

Betterbird commented 2 years ago

Hmm, well, our patch removes two APIs, is that of help?

The first one is a dummy and the second one is a misnomer. It doesn't retrieve the search term.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Hmm, well, our patch removes two APIs, is that of help?

The first one is a dummy and the second one is a misnomer. It doesn't retrieve the search term.

Yes that's helpful, I can just do a simple:

let isMixedOperatorsSupport = (!targetFilter.AddTerm);

good job on uncluttering this. I think I made my own addTerm when I found that dummy...

Betterbird commented 2 years ago

BB will ship this functionality with 91.9 next week.

This is now shipping.