RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
46 stars 11 forks source link

activate / deactivate filters #115

Open aborsro opened 2 years ago

aborsro commented 2 years ago

activate / deactivate all filters would be fine, additionally define groups of filters that also could be activated / deactivated

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

What about way to use clicking on the checkbox being applied to everything that is highlighted?


I feel that would be a good workaround. (A Ctrl+A shortcut to select everything might also be desirable)

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Made an edit in the previous post (I wanted to insert a screenshot) so if you read notification mail you may want to check the github page instead. At the moment checking a box within a selected group of filters only toggles the one filter.