RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Feature Request: Drag/Drop or Move Up/Move Down Capability For Rules In QuickFilters Merge Dialog #121

Open QuietOne07 opened 1 year ago

QuietOne07 commented 1 year ago

Since it's not possible (at least yet) to create And/Or Filter Rules either initially or when merging filters into a "This Rule AND This Rule" OR "This Rule AND This Rule" etc format (i.e. creating an And/Or filter), I'd sure like to be able to reorganize the rules after I merge one/several filters. If I could reorganize the rules I could collect all the From Rules together and then all the Subject Rules together etc etc and make things read much easier later on when modifying/editing them.

Or alternatively ... it might be easier/more possible to allow editing/moving of the rules via "move up/move down/move to bottom/move to top" as you have already got that ability in the QuickFilter Window to reorder the filters. You might be able to change the list (Filters vs Rules) operated on via a parameter pass and just use the same code to move/reorder the Rules as opposed to moving/reordering the Filters themselves.
