RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Moving Multiple Emails Triggers Filter Assistant for Each Email #147

Open PotatoCarl opened 1 year ago

PotatoCarl commented 1 year ago

Hi When I move multiple Emails (with pre9 version), for each Email the assistant is triggered. The previous behaviour of triggering once for all emails was much more convenient - especially if you move e.g. 100 emails at once to an archive folder...

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

How (with what process exactly) do you move them? if you use a QuickFolders process, please make sure to use the latest version (5.15.2) - the previous version broke up the move into single async calls. 5.15.2 groups them by source folder. (so if you archive 25 mails from an inbox you will only see a single assistant window)

the internal function of the message copy service is designed to work with a single source folder, this was revealed to me by a Thunderbird employee.

PotatoCarl commented 1 year ago

Must have been an update between starting to sort my messages today and now. I checked and currently installed is 5.15.2. So, problem resolved, it works now. Thanks.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

ok, thanks for reporting back,It is actually a QuickFolders issue (and the new version has been released), so I am not sure whether to close this one or leave it open for a while..