RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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How do you copy filters between accounts #15

Closed fakeologist closed 4 years ago

fakeologist commented 4 years ago

I have 5 email accounts, and I want the filters to run on ALL of them. How do I do this?

RealRaven2000 commented 4 years ago

Thunderbird does not support "global" filters - I believe Postbox does,

You have to copy them to the other account(s). Highlight the filters, then click the copy button:


then 1) select the target account 2) select a position in the list 3) press the paste button image

repeat all steps (including copying) for each account. This doesn't actually use the clipboard but it is 100% internal to Thunderbird.

Another way would be to use backup on one account and then loading the filters using restore button on the target account (but that gives you less control on where and how many you transfer) image

It's probably a good idea to make a backup anyway before you do big changes like this.

fakeologist commented 4 years ago
