RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Only Apply a Particular Filter to Read Messages (ie, Not New or Unread) #156

Closed EnigmaSolved closed 1 year ago

EnigmaSolved commented 1 year ago

I'm either missing something, or maybe there is a bug. I have a filter with the following parameters:

What I'm aiming for is that I have some messages which I want to review, and which I sometimes want to leave in my Inbox for a while, so I would like for these, if they are kept as New/Unread to not get moved by the filter, but I can't seem to figure out how to get that to work (and I would prefer to base it off of New/Unread as opposed to Starred). Every time I manually run the above filter (either variation) on a test message it moves the message even though the message is New/Unread.

I'm on QuickFilters Pro 4.5 Thunderbird 68.3.1

Thanks in advance for any help/guidance! :)

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I am actually working on new functions that will only be available from Thunderbird 91 onwards, also working on compatibility with Thunderbird 110.b4, there will be a lot of changes in this years ESR 115. Haven't really ran legacy versions for a long time, so I can't really test on that system right now.

to leave emails remaining in your inbox for a while you could use the search term "age in days > 30 days" or something along those lines; and then hit the run filters on folder button once in a while.

EnigmaSolved commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I totally do need to upgrade, and I absolutely understand you can't give energy to supporting a legacy version. Can you tell me, though, would the filter(s) I described in my original post work on current versions of QuickFilters (ie, on current versions of Thunderbird), and if not, is that something likely to get worked on / fixed / implemented eventually?

Your proposed workaround is clever and appreciated (and may be suitable for some of my use-cases), but I'm still interested in the original angle too.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

This works for me *(testing on Thunderbird 102.7.2):


The unread messages are not moved by this filter.

EnigmaSolved commented 1 year ago

I guess we should consider this Closed then, as it sounds like what I'm wanting works on current versions. Thanks much! :)