RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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"Create Filters" (quickFilters Assistant) when deleting - can it be disabled? #162

Closed aprojanos71 closed 1 year ago

aprojanos71 commented 1 year ago

5.8 when I delete the messeage(s), pop up "Create Filters" window.

tuxy123 commented 1 year ago

5.8 when I delete the messeage(s), pop up "Create Filters" window.

I have the same issue

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

This is a duplicate of #158

Being able to create filters that delete mail is by design, and you can disable it with the new button on the filter actions page in quickFilters settings. Only affects users who have the filter assistant switched on permanently, but it's definitely more useful than only doing it when dragging mail to trash. See also (Switching off quickFilters for delete and archive destroys my main use case) for a deeper discussion.


set extensions.quickfilters.assistant.exclude.trash = true

Normally you would switch on the assistant with the intent to create new filters (or add rules to a filter that may also delete mail as a possible action) - this way you can discover the feature without any learning curve.

I believe this default will benefit the larger number of users, rather than the few people who run the assistant constantly - to switch on auto assistant you are on the same settings page (actions), which is something an advanced user might enable.

I also added Screenshots to the version history page at that explain in detail:

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #158