RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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missing icon on QF Current Folder Bar (Linux, Thunderbird 102.9.1) #172

Closed RealRaven2000 closed 1 year ago

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

2 users reported this independently. On Linux the additional quickFilters buttons for running filters are not displayed any more on the QuickFolders Current Folder toobar:

Expected: image

Observed: lC1UUmYQluePsbwM

Configuration is on the quickFilters settings Advanced page:


I suspect it is an issue with Linux-specific changes to the Thunderbird style sheet

alfredomuchacho commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem: since the update to Thunderbird 102.9.1 the icons on the toolbar are missing. I use Manjaro.


The configuration of QuickFilters is as follows:


RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

thanks for the screenshots. You can check the button's css properties using inspector (Ctrl+Shift+I) - I suspect it is added by quickFilters but a Linux-specific CSS rule prevents it from being displayed. I will have to make a new LInux VM to test this, or ask a friend on the next dev call (Thursday evening).

It is probably a CSS display issue. I would investigate it with the built in inspector - the debugger and css inspector are in Tools / Developer Tools / Developer Toolbox.

(Or use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+I) - this launches a remote debugger.

The first place I would look is in the "Inspector" tab:

1 select inspector 2 select the inspect tool 3 click on a button close to the missing button:


If you can find the button "quickfilters-current-runbutton" = check under the Rules tab, and filter for the "display" rule:


To see the Thunderbird built in styles make sure that you enable Show Browser Styles in settings!



If there are multiple rules you can see which one "wins" on the "Computed" tab:


alfredomuchacho commented 1 year ago

I'll get back to you about the problem. Even if I integrate a button of QuickFilters in the central bar, I see the icon, but the button does not work. I can only access the filters via "Tools" --> "Filters" of Thunderbird. No learning mode or other functions of QuickFilters work. :-( 2023-04-08-09-56_clipbord_image

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I'll get back to you about the problem. Even if I integrate a button of QuickFilters in the central bar, I see the icon, but the button does not work. I can only access the filters via "Tools" --> "Filters" of Thunderbird. No learning mode or other functions of QuickFilters work. :-( 2023-04-08-09-56_clipbord_image

When you add the button, the event handler isn't added at that time, only when the Add-on starts (this means you have to restart Thunderbird after adding the button) - I am working on a fix at issue #175 - if you don't want to restart Tb after adding a button, please try the new version linked there.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

I finally managed to install an Ubuntu image using Windows 10 Hyper-V, and oh boy was this painful. Cost me about 3 hours. I think I going to go back to Virtualbox as soon as I can - I can;t even share folders with this windows BS.

Anyway I found the following error when I started up quickFilters in Thunderbird on Ubuntu:

TypeError: mnuToolsCreateFromMsg is null qFi-messenger.js:120:3

I currently do not know why this error doesn't happen in Windows - I suspect the (context) menu only exists there

this would lead to part of the script that injects elements into the context menu, I will upload a new version for testing below shortly.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

New version (uploading for myself to test in Ubuntu):

Ok I tested with that version that seems to add the buttons as expected in Linux.

alfredomuchacho commented 1 year ago

With today's update of QuickFilters everything works as usual again. All buttons are back, all functions are working again. Thank you very much for your great work. :-)

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Fixed in 5.9.1 released on 09/04/2023 (April)