RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Please add delay to the quickfilter rules #186

Open molitar opened 1 year ago

molitar commented 1 year ago

As I have 5 email accounts and one gets a lot of emails every single time I open up Thunderbird I get an error that the rules could not be run as it's busy. If you notice in Microsoft Outlook the filter rules do not run until download finishes to prevent this problem. Is it possible to put say a 1 minute delay before running the filter rules to help prevent this happening every single time I open Thunderbird?

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Running the filters (on startup) is actually something done by Thunderbird, I don't think I can delay that using the Add-on.

I can try ask on the matrix community chat if somebody knows:

if the actual moving of the email fails, you might running FiltaQuilla with the additional action "move later": image

molitar commented 1 year ago

So your saying to install FiltaQuilla and see if that move later will help? Also if so should I set it up the same as yours on the screenshot?

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

So your saying to install FiltaQuilla and see if that move later will help? Also if so should I set it up the same as yours on the screenshot?

if you're primary problem is that moving the emails fails then it may work, can you try it with a few test filters? We might be able to make a standard filter template using this action (instead of move). It might also be a good idea to add this as an auto-fill action to "custom templates".

molitar commented 1 year ago

Hi RealRaven2000, It looks like that may have worked I had over 70 emails on one of my emails and nearly 40 on another email. Did not get the error message about moving emails.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 year ago

Hi RealRaven2000, It looks like that may have worked I had over 70 emails on one of my emails and nearly 40 on another email. Did not get the error message about moving emails.

OK, so here is the deal - since one of the big advantages of the quickFilters assistant is that it selects the target folder (which can be quite time consuming when you have a deep folder structure), we should look into building in the "move later" action (instead of move) into the templates. This would of course (at the moment) assume you have a working version of FiltaQuilla installed - but it could become a new global option for new filters, offered on the "New Filter" tab of global preferences?

This could then also work for custom filter templates (which can be made from the Advanced Templates tab)

One more thing to think about here is adding the "stop filter execution" action in order to prevent another filter in the list grabbing the email away unintendedly. image

As an aside the custom templates dialog doesn't allow me to put in a placeholder (e.g. %targetFolder%) for the move action at the moment (I am using the built in filter editor and modify it slightly), so the "move filter" action is being actually added automatically by the assistant. But it also always meant that I had to add a "dummy" action (editor doesn't allow closing without any valid action) - that's why I used "set priority to normal".