RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Question: With logging broken in 115, how can I troubleshoot a filter? #200

Closed Amoeba00 closed 11 months ago

Amoeba00 commented 11 months ago

Could be an issue with 115, but I have a filter that doesn't work..

image changed to this - still not working..


Changed it to ends with - and still nothing..

It's supposed to go to a folder, but it stays in the inbox. I know this used to work at some point, but just now realized that it's not. (IMAP Gmail)

Thoughts? Thanks.

RealRaven2000 commented 11 months ago

Mayb try to change the operators to “ends with” i have a number of domain filters that work like this. But i usually include the @ in mine.

Amoeba00 commented 11 months ago

I've done that and still no joy. I have other rules that run before and after with no @ and it filters just fine. So I wound up just deleting the filter entirely and created it from scratch by adding the items back one by one (via drag/drop auto create filter) and it now works.
(also, it's just from - ends with - domain (no @ ).