RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Body Regexp match stopped working? #219

Open WDStarell opened 8 months ago

WDStarell commented 8 months ago

I had a set of filters that used the "Body Regexp match" search term that were working under the previous version but stopped working with the upgrade to TB 115.3.1. I was able to isolate the problem to the "Body Regexp match" search term by replacing it with a regular "Body" non-regexp search term. Unfortunately, while that helped isolate the filter term that wasn't working, it won't work for the actual filtering that I want.

Otherwise, FiltaQuilla is awesome. I'm looking forward to having the regexp term working again.


RealRaven2000 commented 8 months ago

can you export the filter and also a test email (eml format). You can use quickFilters to export the filter only. Select the filter then hold CTRL and press the backup button:


this will generate a json file that I can import here for testing. For exporting the email, just save as eml format, then I can hopefully reproduce the issue (and test your regular expression in debugger). With multi-part / mime messages it may be possible that what you see as actual body is not scanned...