RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Filter could not be created. #238

Open JeffreyELewis opened 3 months ago

JeffreyELewis commented 3 months ago

quickFilters v6.3 Thunderbird v115.9.0 (64-bit)

Been using the trial version for a bit and started receiving the following message when I drag an email to a folder: image

I upgrade to the Pro Version and I still receive the same problem. I have shutdown and restarted Thunderbird and still same issue.

If I right click on the message in the new folder and select "Create Filter from Message", I get the "Create Filters" popup, I then select "Create Filter" and receive the same message as above.

I searched for this error and did not see another issues like this.

quickFilters is active: image

RealRaven2000 commented 3 months ago

the behavior in this case is by design - in the normal case of using the filter template "based on sender" you would typically want to filter all emails sent to you from other people, you might select multiple emails and move them and quickFilter is able to retrieve the senders. it would then create a filter where the from is one of these people, like:

any of the following sender is a sender is b sender is c

if you move a conversation these emails may contain your replies (klet's say in a conversation) and then it would include you as a sender:

any of the following sender is a sender is b sender is c sender is YOU

the problem is that then your specific filter would filter all emails from you and also do the action, which in my design is not regarded as useful. That's why I remove such conditions...

on the other hand if you use the template "based on recipient" then using your own email (as a to) is allowed.

So typically you would want make a filter move emails from certain groups of people into a folder (or tag them).

If you like to keep your replies within the same folder I highly recommend also installing the ADd-on "Copy Sent to Current" - this way your replies will automatically be moved into the same folder where the conversation thread is, immediately after sending off the email. No more annoying trips to the "Sent" folder anymore to check whether you have replied to a thread.

JeffreyELewis commented 3 months ago

Thank you.