RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Pressing return after setting a filter adds an empty line and closes the window. #240

Closed tokyis closed 2 months ago

tokyis commented 2 months ago

Pressing return after setting a filter adds a line and closes the window immediately, running the filter on a folder after this performs the filter actions on all emails since the filter would typically be positive such as if [field] [contains/ends with/etc] "" and match everything.


Running version 6.4 on Thunderbird 115.9.0.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 months ago

Pressing return after setting a filter adds a line and closes the window immediately, running the filter on a folder after this performs the filter actions on all emails since the filter would typically be positive such as if [field] [contains/ends with/etc] "" and match everything.


Running version 6.4 on Thunderbird 115.9.0.

ok I think you need to post this at bugzilla (for Thunderbird), because that's just the standard behavior of that window, not sure I can change anything from my side here. By the way, in windows dialogs the default Button is usually specially formatted and will always react to [Enter] unless you are in a multiline textbox entry.


RealRaven2000 commented 2 months ago

To raise a bug for Thunderbird go to the Mozilla Bugzilla.

Create an account or use an existing account (you can use your Github account) to log in Click New Bug Click Thunderbird IN Categories, select Filters Click enhancement Add your description at the bottom


tokyis commented 2 months ago

Thank you, I apologize for wasting your time, I raised a bug for Thunderbird.

I've been using your extension for so long that I had forgotten that window was native...

RealRaven2000 commented 2 months ago

Thank you, I apologize for wasting your time, I raised a bug for Thunderbird.


I've been using your extension for so long that I had forgotten that window was native...

no worries, never a waste of time if there is a real bug report at the end of the line! I am hoping that Thunderbird will switch over version control to Github soon, then I will be more motivated to contribute patches (especially around filtering) to the Core team again. their current system is very convoluted and time consuming which makes it hard for casual contributors