RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Feature request - Filter Groups #250

Open jnash67 opened 1 month ago

jnash67 commented 1 month ago

Would like to be able to separate my filters into various groups that I can run at different times. For example, some filters i would like to run manually only on occasion and some after each time i look at emails.

Would also be good if you could do the "Apply Filter when:" settings at the group level as well as at the individual filter level.

jnash67 commented 1 month ago

btw, am using the latest version of Thunderbird - just upgraded from 115.12.2 to 115.13.0 (which shows up as 128.0.1esr in the about page).

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

By the way, the latest version of Thunderbird is 128.0 - it just hasn't been pushed to update, that might happen with 128.1 on August 6th or 128.2

The problem with filters is that they cannot be modified in the way you have suggested - we cannot add any custom attributes (such as a category) so I would ask Thunderbird first to add this as a feature before we can extend filters in a much more fundamental way. at the moment filters don't even have unique ids so it's very hard to manage them from the "outside". They don't have unique names either so you can have multiple filters with the same name even in the same server.

There is a plan to move source control of Thunderbird to Github then I will start writing patches for Filters and will push towards more extendable filters

jnash67 commented 1 month ago

Thx.  I downgraded back to 115.12.1.  I have regularly been updating when they post new releases to this page (see screenshot).  They just posted 115.13.0 but when you click on it it downloads 128.0.1esr.

I also noticed while posting the feature request that there was a version 6.5.1.  I am at version 6.4.  Tried to install v. 6.5.1. and it keeps giving me an "addons cannot be installed because thunderbird cannot modify the needed file" error and doesn't install (see screenshots). Jonathan

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

Thx. I downgraded back to 115.12.1. I have regularly been updating when they post new releases to this page (see screenshot). They just posted 115.13.0 but when you click on it it downloads 128.0.1esr. I also noticed while posting the feature request that there was a version 6.5.1. I am at version 6.4. Tried to install v. 6.5.1. and it keeps giving me an "addons cannot be installed because thunderbird cannot modify the needed file" error and doesn't install (see screenshots).

You probably need to restart Thunderbird. What you could do is uninstall quickFilters 6.4, then restart Tb and then install 6.5.1 (it's fully compatible with both Thunderbird versions) - all settings etc. will be retained- nothing is lost if you uninstall or disabled quickFilters.

By the way there are no screenshots when you reply to a Github issue via email - it's better if you click the link below and then insert the pictures (from clipboard) on the web site.

jnash67 commented 1 month ago

Hi.  The screenshots I was referring to were attached to the email.  I uninstalled quickFilters 6.4 and restarted. Tried to install 6.5.1. Still got the same quickFilters could not be installed because Thunderbird cannot modify the needed file.  Tried to re-install 6.4 and now that gives the exact same message.  Now i'm totally without any quickFilters.

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

No idea what is happening …. Can you go to Tb support to find out?

chatgpt says

When Thunderbird is unable to install an add-on due to the inability to modify a needed file, it typically indicates a permissions issue or a file system problem. Here are some steps to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Check File Permissions

Ensure that Thunderbird has the necessary permissions to modify files in its installation and profile directories.

2. Run Thunderbird as Administrator (Windows) or with Elevated Permissions (Linux)

Running Thunderbird with elevated permissions can sometimes resolve issues with file modifications.

3. Check for File System Issues

File system issues can sometimes prevent applications from modifying files.

4. Clear Add-on Cache

Corrupted cache files can also cause issues with add-ons.

  1. Close Thunderbird.
  2. Navigate to the Thunderbird profile directory.
  3. Delete the extensions directory.
  4. Restart Thunderbird and try installing the add-on again.

5. Reinstall Thunderbird

If none of the above steps work, consider reinstalling Thunderbird.

  1. Backup your Thunderbird profile to preserve your emails and settings.
  2. Uninstall Thunderbird.
  3. Download the latest version from the Thunderbird website.
  4. Install Thunderbird and restore your profile.

6. Check for Compatibility

Ensure that the add-on you are trying to install is compatible with your version of Thunderbird. Sometimes, outdated or incompatible add-ons can cause installation issues.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue and successfully install the desired add-on. If the problem persists, consider seeking help from the Thunderbird Support Forum or directly from the add-on developer.