RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Feature Request - More columns in main filter table #251

Open jnash67 opened 1 month ago

jnash67 commented 1 month ago

Would like the option to see more columns beside just the filter name and the enabled toggle in the main filter table. For example what the "Apply filter when:" settings are and some summary of the rules and actions.

Would also like the option to change the "Apply filter when:" settings from the table.

If my previous feature request for feature groups is implemented, if the groups can be expanded in the table you could also enable applying the settings at the group level.

jnash67 commented 1 month ago

btw, am using the latest version of Thunderbird - just upgraded from 115.12.2 to 115.13.0 (which shows up as 128.0.1esr in the about page).

RealRaven2000 commented 1 month ago

The same problem as with the previous request:

Filters cannot be modified in the way you have suggested - we cannot add any custom attributes (such as a category) so I would ask Thunderbird first to add this as a feature before we can extend filters in a much more fundamental way. at the moment filters don't even have unique ids so it's very hard to manage them from the "outside". They don't have unique names either so you can have multiple filters with the same name even in the same server.

the only thing that can be done with filters is custom search terms and custom actions. (FiltaQuilla is good at this) but what you need is an additional property that does not fall within this schema. To interact with filters I am using the precompiled services which are running on the C++ layer and cannot be modified via JS - not even with an experimental ADd-on like quickFilters. Also storage is handled on that compiled layer, so we cannot intervene here and piggyback new stuff at that stage. The storage format and all attributes / properties of filters are HARD coded.