RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Feature Request: Create a filter from Advanced Search dialog #32

Open ThiloteE opened 3 years ago

ThiloteE commented 3 years ago

Feature request.

much like the "virtual folder" option in the search bar



RealRaven2000 commented 3 years ago

Can you elaborate what eactly the workflow would be? Would you start from Ctrl+Shift+F (global Search) and then add some search conditions manually, thereby testing your search results? And then somehow create a filter with the same conditions form the search view (you would have to still manually select a target folder, so it wouldn't save you a lot of user input).

Note that you can already create filtes that auto-fill in multiple variables, if you select the "custom templates" option on the quickFilters advanced tab:


from here you could make a template for creating new filters that for instance autofill subject and from conditions at the same time, simply when moving an email.

ThiloteE commented 3 years ago

The workflow i imagined is exactly as you described: I would start from Ctrl+Shift+F (global Search) and then add some search conditions manually, thereby testing my search results. Then somehow create a filter with the same conditions form the search view. I indeed would have to still manually select a target folder, so it wouldn't save a lot of user input ...

... BUT it would spare me to experiment with a real filter that has the potential to handle 300+x E-mails. The act of moving can take a lot of time when there are a lot of e-mails involved. Creating a filter from a prior search that gives a detailed overview of the e-mails that would actually move is way less risky. It would give the user a tool at hand to finetune filters in a faster way (without moving e-mails back to the original folder if the filter did not work the way it was intended) and that also accounts for the margin of error that humans are just prone to (e.g. forgetting a tag when creating a filter by hand), hence one would have the chance to see that certain e-mails are missing or there are e-mails you wouldn't want to move, IF you are lucky enough to see them and have the habit of doing some crosschecks. Also it IS risky to move many e-mails at once, especially on a pop3 account. (i mostly use imap by now though).

I could imagine it designed to look similar to the following picture. If you click on "save as filter" it would bring you into a filter, with the filter conditions already preselected based on your search.

Search a folder for MORE THAN ONE variable, then be able create a filter from that #32

As for the Custom Template you showed me, i couldn't bring it to work. I get the idea, but when i click on "create new Template" and enter a name, click ok, then nothing happens and i will be back in the "advanced" menu. When i click on "edit", the menu will jump to the standard filter menu and enters "quickfilterscustomtemplate" into the searchbar. Other than that nothing happens.

ThiloteE commented 3 years ago

When i tried to move the e-mails from the successful search with the command "move to" as shown in the screenshot above, with activated quickfilters assistant, it would not create a filter either. Creating a filter this way could be another solution. If i had the choice, i would opt for "Save as Filter" though, it just feels more intuitive.

RealRaven2000 commented 3 years ago

When i tried to move the e-mails from the successful search with the command "move to" as shown in the screenshot above, with activated quickfilters assistant, it would not create a filter either. Creating a filter this way could be another solution. If i had the choice, i would opt for "Save as Filter" though, it just feels more intuitive.

Alright, that's yet another "move to" UI. there are too many - i thought you meant this one (I just fixed issue #33 which also complains about the move to / copy to menus being broken)


Too much UI! But I get the idea now that you showed where it could be integrated. I like it as it is a risk-less preview!

RealRaven2000 commented 3 years ago

As for the Custom Template you showed me, i couldn't bring it to work. I get the idea, but when i click on "create new Template" and enter a name, click ok, then nothing happens and i will be back in the "advanced" menu. When i click on "edit", the menu will jump to the standard filter menu and enters "quickfilterscustomtemplate" into the searchbar. Other than that nothing happens.

the UI looks like this (you need to activate the checkbox) image

and you enter "placeholder variables" with the top right dropdown menu button "Custom Variables". Should work from prerelease 67 forward: