RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
49 stars 11 forks source link

What "filter assistant"? #43

Closed MarjaE2 closed 3 years ago

MarjaE2 commented 3 years ago

I can't find a full manual, just the short explanation here:

"Activate the filter assistant. ..."

What "filter assistant"? There's a "Quick Filter" icon in the toolbar, but it just shows or hides the "Unread," "Starred," etc. options.

MarjaE2 commented 3 years ago

P.S. Thunderbird had not recognized the filter. Solved that.

RealRaven2000 commented 3 years ago

I can't find a full manual, just the short explanation here:

The support site is here: A bunch of videos that explain how to use quickFilters is here:

"Activate the filter assistant. ..."

What "filter assistant"? There's a "Quick Filter" icon in the toolbar, but it just shows or hides the "Unread," "Starred," etc. options.

It is activated when you click the button that is automatically added to your toolbar: image

Once clicked, it turns red: image ...and shows this message at the bottom: image

then you start moving mails to "teach" quickFilters what to do. It can create filters accordingly using the filter assistant:


it will extract different information (current tags / folder location / maybe whether it is starred / subject / who has sent it etc.) and turn these into Conditions & Actions for the filter. When I created the Add-on this was mainly to save time from having to select the folder location as that was always very painful (I have 100s of folders).

If you have already moved the mail earlier you can also generate a filter from it, via right-clicking the message and selecting "quickFilters: create filter from message" image