RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Make quickFilters compatible with Thunderbird 102 (ESR 2022/23) #97

Closed RealRaven2000 closed 1 year ago

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Like every year, I am planning for quickFilters to be compatible with the next ESR release of Thunderbird (102)

Please add your bug reports below.

I recommend starting with beta 99 for testing, download from here:

When adding bugs below please write down the exact version of Thunderbird, expected behavior and observed behavior.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Quick test version from the first branch - this is based on the previous release 5.3.2 (master)

to install, download the zip file above and then drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager. New branch on github with source code is here:

(I need to upmerge 5.4 from the ESR91 branch to include the latest changes!)

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Latest beta - this fixes some issues with the sliding notification panel not displaying from Tb99 onwards. It also brings back the quickFilters icon in these areas, for instance when the assistant message shows:


to install, download the zip file above and then drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager.

aprojanos71 commented 2 years ago

Thx! I installed but where are my filters? edit 1: And "undefinedundefined" appears below... edit 2: And I can't close Thunderbird

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

I made another version bump for the current beta (100.0b2)

Thx! I installed but where are my filters? edit 1: And "undefinedundefined" appears below... edit 2: And I can't close Thunderbird

you should have scrolled down for 5.4.1pre9 (last one in the thread above) - but that has max version 99. so I just bumped it up to 102.. So here is the latest bumped version:

As always: to install, download the zip file above and then drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Thx! I installed but where are my filters?

Filters are actually stored by Thunderbird itself, in files called msgFilterRules.dat - quickFilters is not involved in this operation at all! Check in your profile folder whether you can find any (there should be one per mail account). I highly recommend regularly backing up your Thunderbird profile folder to avoid data loss. Extra especially if you use Thunderbird beta versions!

But you can also backup / restore your folders in a more friendly format using the quickFilters json format from the message filters dialog: image

you can then restore your filter from the Restore filters button beside:


You just have to make sure to select the correct account to load the filters into!

note that filters will only be overwritten if they have exactly the same name - unfortunately Thunderbird does not store any other meta-information (like a unique ID or last edited date) and Add-ons cannot add such information.

aprojanos71 commented 2 years ago

QuickFilters 5.4.1pre19 works fine on 100.0b2 (64 bit)! Thanks!

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Latest Prerelease tested on Thunderbird 101.b3 is below, max compatibility is 102.0 so it should work with the next ESR version which is for publishing in 5-6 weeks time.


Bugs Fixed

As always: to install, download the zip file above and then drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

My batch file was slightly incorrect in naming the version number wrong, so here is one with a matching version number (5.5pre instead 5.4.1pre)

As always: to install, download the zip file above and then drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

New version that deals with issue #108 which breaks the "Reply-To" fields - tested in 102.b1:

As always: to install, download the zip file above and then drag into Thunderbird Add-ons Manager.