RealRaven2000 / quickFilters

Thunderbird Add-on: quickFilters
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Thunderbird updated, and quickFilters stopped automatically filtering inbox #98

Open lleevveell66 opened 2 years ago

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

I cannot find a similar issue. My Thunderbird recently (past week or two) updated to 91.8.0 (64-bit) on the "Release" update channel.

I did not notice whether quickFilters also updated, but it is at 5.4 . And, it is set to auto-update.

Now, I cannot get my filters to automatically happen when new email hits the inbox folder. Everything else still works fine - I can "Run filters on current folder" and then "compact" and they work. It's just that they used to run automatically as email hit the folder. I would only ever have to periodically hit "compact" to clean up. I loved this, because I got to double-check that things were filtering. (I have around 200-300 folders/subfolders to sort into, so I do not like to jump down into those unless I need to look up something old.)

I have tried to remove the add-on and re-install. Strangely, my filters were still there. I was ready to have to import them, but I didn't need to, which is nice. Should I try to go back to a previous version of quickFilters? Any hint as to which might fix this, if so?

I had also found some settings somewhere that had words like "auto" and "load" or something. I had flipped those to True to see if that helped. I cannot find my way back to those, now, though.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Now, I cannot get my filters to automatically happen when new email hits the inbox folder. Everything else still works fine - I can "Run filters on current folder" and then "compact" and they work. It's just that they used to run automatically as email hit the folder. I would only ever have to periodically hit "compact" to clean up. I loved this, because I got to double-check that things were filtering. (I have around 200-300 folders/subfolders to sort into, so I do not like to jump down into those unless I need to look up something old.)

there may be a single filter with the action "stop filtering" in the list that ends all filter actions of any of the filters below it. Start by moving some filters to the top that you know should work.

I have tried to remove the add-on and re-install. Strangely, my filters were still there. I was ready to have to import them, but I didn't need to, which is nice. Should I try to go back to a previous version of quickFilters? Any hint as to which might fix this, if so?

this isn't really surprising for the following reasons:

Have a look at which filters really run on the filter list with the "Filter Log" button at the bottom right. Is there one that always runs? Also, you may have a look at the global error console (Ctrl+Shift+J) when you click "Get Mail" to see if any errors are logged then?

I had also found some settings somewhere that had words like "auto" and "load" or something. I had flipped those to True to see if that helped. I cannot find my way back to those, now, though.

Not sure what that may be...

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Cool, thanks. You've given me a lot to check into. Although I have not manually changed any filters or their ordering in a while, something else may have. I'll check into that - heck,, I'll disable all but one that I will make just for testing, or something.

On the error console, there seems to be a lot going on. I'd never seen this, and it's awesome to see. Thanks, again. I only see one error/warning regarding quickFilters, so far:

13:03:53.469 quickFilters.util.popupAlert() notificationBox.appendNotification is not a function qFilters-utils.js:425

Tons of other [seemingly] un-related things, like "gloda index" problems, fonts with "too large subtable"s, and some cookie warnings about "SameSite".

But, I have not had an email filtered since popping this up, yet. I will work towards forcing that to happen. Likewise, nothing on the Filter Log,, yet, but it was turned off. I've turned it on and will generate some tests.

I'll comment again once I've generated a bit more noise.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Ok. New feature request - "Enable All" and "Disable All" buttons. :) 113 rules gets tedious. Not a huge deal.

So, I am finding the following "flow" occur:

[New email arrives] 13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED].org@10.10.10.[REDACTED]/INBOX

13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] Folder imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED].org@10.10.10.[REDACTED]/INBOX has alerts: false 13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] [Mailboxalert] No alerts were set for 13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] [REDACTED]@[REDACTED].org (IMAP)/Inbox 13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] , trying parent

13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED].org@10.10.10.[REDACTED]

13:27:58.696 [MailboxAlert] Folder imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED].org@10.10.10.[REDACTED] has alerts: false

[Email is in Inbox. Nothing else happens.]

[Clicking on "Run filters [set up for the current folder]" button] 13:28:47.968 quickFilters 13:28:47.968 [163368 ms]
popupAlert(Run filters on folder 'Inbox'…, quickFilters) 13:28:48.105 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD/gmail

13:28:48.105 [MailboxAlert] Folder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD/gmail has alerts: false 13:28:48.105 [MailboxAlert] [Mailboxalert] No alerts were set for 13:28:48.105 [MailboxAlert] Local Folders/CLOUD/gmail 13:28:48.105 [MailboxAlert] , trying parent

The filters work fine, as always. Everything that is filtered get's striked out, then I press the "Compact" button and it clear the Inbox. This is all the same as before, except I would never have to click on the "Run filters [set up for the current folder]" button. It just happened, because they are all set to run when new email arrives.

Here is the only enabled rule, currently: image

As you can see, "Apply filter when [X] Getting New Email" is checked. It just never happens... or even tries to happen.

Do you believe this to be a problem in Thunderbird? Maybe the update switched something off that used to allow filters to run upon getting new email to a folder?

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

I found the settings that I had since tried changing to get this to work as before:


The "extensions.quickfilters.autoStart" and "extensions.quickfilters.listener.tags.autofilter" I changed to "true", and have yet to change them back. This was after things stopped working automatically, though.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

The "extensions.quickfilters.autoStart" and "extensions.quickfilters.listener.tags.autofilter" I changed to "true", and have yet to change them back. This was after things stopped working automatically, though.

the first one is just for the filter assistant, so it is not relevant to filtering itself. The second one checks whether you tag messages to create filters, again nothing to do with running the filter itself. quickFilters does very little during filtering, it's all Thunderbird. Did you try running the troubleshooter? Are the folder paths still correct?

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Yes, sorry. I forgot to mention that. The troubleshooter says everything is a-ok.


And, the Filter Log is fairly boring (in a good way), only showing successful filtering, when it happens. It just only happens when I manually run them, of course. But, no logs about anything else, so far.

And, just-in-case they are relevant in any way, here are the errors in the Error Console, since starting that:


And, the warnings from quickFilters, which I cannot make happen (yet)... they just appear while sitting here:


I appreciate the attention you are giving this. Thanks, again.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Would it be worth me starting to try to downgrade Thunderbird backwards, to see if that helps things? Is that as easy as it sounds (just re-install older versions?) There is no danger of mail folders/database getting corrupted from changes in their formats or anything like that, right? I know you're not necessarily a TB dev, but figure you'd definitely know about going back and forth between the versions.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Would it be worth me starting to try to downgrade Thunderbird backwards, to see if that helps things? Is that as easy as it sounds (just re-install older versions?)

no I would advise against that unless you have a backup of your profile - some upgrade operations (e.g. from 68 the address book is converted and you cannot go back) are a one way operation. If you decide to do it, make sure to backup your profile and you can also export your filters with the purple button on the filters list.

There is no danger of mail folders/database getting corrupted from changes in their formats or anything like that, right?

Address book may be a pain point, but I am not hundred percent sure - I have a ton of test profiles but I usually do not revert upgrades to older versions, The hard thing is to avoid automatic upgrades sometimes.

As regards your error logs you might benefit from also enabling warnings and info messages. By the way you can copy the log as text using right-click on a message and select export visible messages to clipboard.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

As regards appendNotification, I can append a quick patch. I was aware there are some format changes, but I thought they would only it from Thunderbird 99 onwards. It doesn't really affect crucial stuff as I catch the error in the popupAlert function anyway, you will just not see a popup panel about Pro features etc. It would still be good to see what function was called, if you would like to help me, you can add some detail to the debug log by enabling the debug mode on the quickFilters advanced settings panel:


if you right-click the debug mode you can also enable the setting extensions.quickfilters.debug.functions = true

and obviously we will need info and errors enabled as well, only looking at warnings is just removing all good context. Just remember to use the export to clipboard function so we have a text only logs (screenshot logs are really hard to evaluate).

Once we know what error message was shown in the popup you can try and remedy the popup warning with this version:

to install, simply download the zip file and drag it into the Thunderbird Add-ons Manager (don't extract the contents).

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

I don't mind at all. Helping you is helping us all, man. And, I am in no incredible rush, here. All this means to me is that email sits on the MX which is on a DMZ box, when I am not here, posing a very slight security concern, for me. I just like to pull it all into the local folders on an internal machine to keep it one more step away from prying eyes, should anyone ever get into my DMZ and then the MX server. For now, I am here, and can press the "Run Filters" button, periodically. You'll just need to be a little patient with my relative ignorance as we go, of course.

I can turn all of those back on and redact anything I'd consider personal.

So, the basic plan is this (right?): 1) Turn on "Debug Mode" for quickFilters by selecting it in the "Advanced" tab of the "quickFilters preferences" panel 2) Turn on extensions.quickfilters.debug.functions by right clicking the "Debug Mode" selection and cycling the value to "true". (I see many more debug options here, and might play with those, later, but will wait until we get what you want to see.) 3) Open "Error Console" with "CNTL-SHIFT-J" and enable all message types (Errors, Warnings, Logs, Info, Debug, CSS, XHR, and Requests) in the upper-right buttons. 4) Generate an email which should get filtered. 5) Export to clipboard all messages from the "Error Console". Paste into editor and redact whatever feels necessary, then share it in here. 6) Assuming the message was not auto-filtered, hit the "Run Filters (on current folder)" and then "Compact" to force it to happen, and repeat step 5).

And, all of this should be done before applying any patch. Then, apply the patch (by dragging the downloaded ZIP file and dropping it onto the Thunderbird Add-Ons Manager) and repeat 1-6. Do I understand correctly? Should there be any restart of Thunderbird, after the patching?

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Also, should I clear the Error Console before beginning the test, or would you like to see everything from the start-up? I can restart Thunderbird to make this "clean" and related only to this testing.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Turn on extensions.quickfilters.debug.functions by right clicking the "Debug Mode" selection and cycling the value to "true". (I see many more debug options here, and might play with those, later, but will wait until we get what you want to see.)

Yes there are a lot of other options, at the moment I am not quite sure what creates the alert and I am hoping ".functions" and the plain debug switch may catch that... are you running the assistant all the time or is it off (recommended default setting)?

Open "Error Console" with "CNTL-SHIFT-J" and enable all message types (Errors, Warnings, Logs, Info, Debug, CSS, XHR, and Requests) in the upper-right buttons.

not all just the first four. (Debug may help with THunderbird bugs, but I am doubtful this applies here. CSS / XHR will only flag web errors or error within the email, not the system itself, so they just add noise in this case). You can also go to the tools menu and disable timestamps for an even cleaner log.

Generate an email which should get filtered.

So I assume your filter should pick it up once it gets moved to the "Sent Mail" folder, right? Or are you sending a mail to yourself and let it auto-run in the inbox instead?

Export to clipboard all messages from the "Error Console". Paste into editor and redact whatever feels necessary, then share it in here.

Yes you can redact privacy stuff, or if you want less work just send me an email with the log off list - I won't share or extract any private info, not interested in that at all. Additionally you can check the filter log to see whether a filter was triggered around that time.

Also, should I clear the Error Console before beginning the test, or would you like to see everything from the start-up? I can restart Thunderbird to make this "clean" and related only to this testing.

Always clear the error console before testing, so you make the log shorter. And of course stop logging once you have finished your test step.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

are you running the assistant all the time or is it off (recommended default setting)?

In the good ol days (week ago) I would not keep it on. I would only toggle it when there was a new type of email I wanted to filter. I think it has actually been on since I toggled it in the "Advanced Preferences" panel, though. I can turn that off, no problem.

not all just the first four. (Debug may help with THunderbird bugs, but I am doubtful this applies here. CSS / XHR will only flag web errors or error within the email, not the system itself, so they just add noise in this case). You can also go to the tools menu and disable timestamps for an even cleaner log.

Excellent, thanks for clarification! Will do.

So I assume your filter should pick it up once it gets moved to the "Sent Mail" folder, right? Or are you sending a mail to yourself and let it auto-run in the inbox instead?

I only use them for the latter (incoming email that lands in the IMAP account inbox). I am generating new incoming email from gmail to test.

I do have one other set of filters that I copy any new filter to (so, it's a duplicate set of filters as on my IMAP inbox) that I manually run on a local folder I call "Inbox Archive", which is a remnant of when I began to sort this all out. I never expect those to auto-run, of course. I have always had to manually run the filters on that local folder, only after I add a new one. I only made that to get all of the messages off the MX, when I first started. Now, anything "odd" that I do not necessarily want to make a new folder+filter for still gets moved over to that folder, manually (just to keep everything off the IMAP folders on the MX).

Yes you can redact privacy stuff, or if you want less work just send me an email with the log off list - I won't share or extract any private info, not interested in that at all. Additionally you can check the filter log to see whether a filter was triggered around that time.

Ok, thanks for the option. I am probably good with parsing through this (either in an editor or via sed on a *nix machine), but I may change my tune once I see how much is generated.

Always clear the error console before testing, so you make the log shorter. And of course stop logging once you have finished your test step.

Right on. Thanks, again, for the clarification. I will get some juice to you soon.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago


[Generated email from gmail to me]

[Email hit MX]

Apr 11 09:17:00 mail postfix/smtpd[3507476]: connect from[]
Apr 11 09:17:00 mail postfix/smtpd[3507476]: discarding EHLO keywords: CHUNKING
Apr 11 09:17:35 mail postfix/smtpd[3507476]: 8D09BFDAB1:[]
Apr 11 14:17:35 mail postfix/cleanup[3507477]: 8D09BFDAB1: replace: header MIME-Version: 1.0 from[]; from=<[REDACTED]> to=<[REDACTED]@[REDACTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>: Mime-Version: 1.0
Apr 11 14:17:35 mail postfix/cleanup[3507477]: 8D09BFDAB1: warning: header From: [REDACTED] <[REDACTED]> from[]; from=<[REDACTED]> to=<[REDACTED]@[REDACTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Apr 11 14:17:35 mail postfix/cleanup[3507477]: 8D09BFDAB1: message-id=<>
Apr 11 14:17:35 mail postfix/cleanup[3507477]: 8D09BFDAB1: warning: header Subject: test 6 from[]; from=<[REDACTED]> to=<[REDACTED]@[REDACTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Apr 11 14:17:35 mail postfix/cleanup[3507477]: 8D09BFDAB1: warning: header To: [REDACTED]@[REDACTED] from[]; from=<[REDACTED]> to=<[REDACTED]@[REDACTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<>
Apr 11 09:17:35 mail postfix/qmgr[1492]: 8D09BFDAB1: from=<[REDACTED]>, size=2595, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Apr 11 09:17:35 mail postfix/smtpd[3507476]: disconnect from[] ehlo=1 mail=1 rcpt=1 data=1 quit=1 commands=5
Apr 11 09:17:45 mail postfix/pipe[3507478]: 8D09BFDAB1: to=<[REDACTED]@[REDACTED]>, orig_to=<[REDACTED]@[REDACTED]>, relay=dovecot, delay=45, delays=35/0/0/10, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via dovecot service)
Apr 11 09:17:45 mail postfix/qmgr[1492]: 8D09BFDAB1: removed

[Error Console has TB retrieving it]

09:17:48.070 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for imap://[REDACTED]o%40[REDACTED]@10.10.10.[REDACTED]/INBOX

09:17:48.071 [MailboxAlert] Folder imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED]@10.10.10.[REDACTED]/INBOX has alerts: false
09:17:48.071 [MailboxAlert] [Mailboxalert] No alerts were set for 
09:17:48.071 [MailboxAlert] [REDACTED]@[REDACTED] (IMAP)/Inbox
09:17:48.071 [MailboxAlert] , trying parent

09:17:48.071 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED]@10.10.10.[REDACTED]

09:17:48.071 [MailboxAlert] Folder imap://[REDACTED]%40[REDACTED]@10.10.10.[REDACTED] has alerts: false

[Nothing more until I hit "Run Filters" button, then]

09:18:16.691 quickFilters 9:18:16.691  [49848 ms]   
popupAlert(Run filters on folder 'Inbox'…, quickFilters)
09:18:16.834 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD/gmail

09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Folder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD/gmail has alerts: false
09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] [Mailboxalert] No alerts were set for 
09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Local Folders/CLOUD/gmail
09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] , trying parent

09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD

09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Folder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD has alerts: false
09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] [Mailboxalert] No alerts were set for 
09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Local Folders/CLOUD
09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] , trying parent

09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Loading folder preferences for mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders

09:18:16.835 [MailboxAlert] Folder mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders has alerts: false

[Hit "Compact" button, but no new messages in Error Console]

[Filter Log shows normal activity]

[4/11/2022, 9:18:16 AM] Applied filter "CLOUD » gmail" to message from [REDACTED] <[> - test 6 at 4/11/2022, 9:16:39 AM moved message id = to mailbox://nobody@Local%20Folders/CLOUD/gmail 
lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

It's just like it's never being triggered automatically, anymore. No errors or anything.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

I wonder if the "every 10 minutes" will work. I will flip that on and see.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

I have just toggled on the "Run periodically" in the main quickFilters setup. I assume that does the same thing.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

I have just toggled on the "Run periodically" in the main quickFilters setup. I assume that does the same thing.

yes but only for any "New Filters" created by quickFilters - it's a default under that heading. It doesn't affect already generated filters!

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

As regards your error log, I think it might help if you asked on the Thunderbird support matrix chat:

It's pretty clear to me we need a Thunderbird team member to have a look at it, I am out of my depth here...

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Oh, yeah, duh. The tab even says "new".

Ok, brother. I really appreciate all the attention you've given this. And, frankly, if this works, again, you've probably earned yourself a proper subscriber, or at least a donator. I never realized how much I rely on this awesome plugin, until it's functionality was absent. I come from a total Outlook corporate world, and this plugin really provides an essential part of what makes TB usable to people like me who are used to tons of filters sorting out machine alerts, reports, etc.

I will try to take this up with the Thunderbird cats.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Oh, yeah, duh. The tab even says "new". I never realized how much I rely on this awesome plugin, until it's functionality was absent. I come from a total Outlook corporate world, and this plugin really provides an essential part of what makes TB usable to people like me who are used to tons of filters sorting out machine alerts, reports, etc.

I will try to take this up with the Thunderbird cats.

That's cool! Just remember quickFilters is only a humble UI that helps build the filters easier and faster and manage moving them around, so it might not even necessary to mention it for this problem. Even if you remove quickFilters completely and scrub all its settings, it will not change the way Thunderbird operates with filters - that's why I suspect something got corrupted during the upgrade from Thunderbrid 78 (or 68, for sure depending on where you came from)

I know that a few Thunderbird employees who experience the complexities of the yearly update / code merge, they recreate their profiles once a year to get a fresh start (and I presume they then just copy / import their old emails). For this sort of operation you can benefit from using the quickFilters backup / restore functions so you can bring your filters to a fresh profile. The main pitfall is to have the same URIs for your folders, which should work when you take care of using the same account name / email addresses.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Cool, thanks. You've given me a lot to check into. Although I have not manually changed any filters or their ordering in a while, something else may have. I'll check into that - heck,, I'll disable all but one that I will make just for testing, or something.

On the error console, there seems to be a lot going on. I'd never seen this, and it's awesome to see. Thanks, again. I only see one error/warning regarding quickFilters, so far:

13:03:53.469 quickFilters.util.popupAlert() notificationBox.appendNotification is not a function qFilters-utils.js:425

just another question, when you were still seeing this error you should see a messagebox instead when this error; when I catch the exception I show the message in an ordinary system message box instead:

    catch(e) {
      // prevents runtime error on platforms that don't implement nsIAlertsService
      this.logException ("quickFilters.util.popupAlert() ", e);

I would be interested in seeing what error is shown. (Unless alert also fails and throws its own exception then we would have a bigger problem).

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

Hmm. Unfortunately, I have no straightforward answer for this (yet). I can say that I loathe all bottom/right notifications, and work hard towards eliminating them (so, I rarely even get normal Windows notification bubbles.) But, the good news for this discussion is that this has made me extremely sensitive to noticing any new pop-ups coming up, down there. And, I have noticed a "new" [to me] box pop up down in the bottom right when I click on the "Run Filters" button. Unfortunately, I have not yet noticed any pop up when those errors happened. But, that could just be timing/coincidence, too. I can say with fair certainty, though, that these pop-up messages were not happening, before (when it was automatic), just because it would have driven me crazy. ;)

I have not seen those errors on the console in a while.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Hmm. Unfortunately, I have no straightforward answer for this (yet). I can say that I loathe all bottom/right notifications, and work hard towards eliminating them (so, I rarely even get normal Windows notification bubbles.) But, the good news for this discussion is that this has made me extremely sensitive to noticing any new pop-ups coming up, down there. And, I have noticed a "new" [to me] box pop up down in the bottom right when I click on the "Run Filters" button.

These are OS notifications (not using the popupAlert function) and that's definitely a good discussion to have. There a 2 main reasons for these:

Unfortunately, I have not yet noticed any pop up when those errors happened. But, that could just be timing/coincidence, too. I can say with fair certainty, though, that these pop-up messages were not happening, before (when it was automatic), just because it would have driven me crazy. ;)

the sliding popups (from your error message) are more informational and they come up when activate the assistant (but here you push a button "do not show message again", then you would have to reset extensions.quickfilters.filters.showMessage=true to make it come back) or use a pro feature without having a license. So in that case they are an important mechanism for monetization and survival of the Add-on.

lleevveell66 commented 2 years ago

I've slacked off on this, since, and... it's suddenly working, again. Filters are applied with about a minute lag. And, there are tons of this type of error on the console:

NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE: Component returned failure code: 0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) [nsIDocShell.domWindow]

My NSes are functioning properly. I wonder if someone hard-coded an outside NS (e.g.,, et al) into something, because I block all NSes but my own. Don't know, but the minute of lag maybe makes sense, due to waiting for a lookup of some sort to fail. Or, it could be totally unrelated and coincidental.

The versions of quickFilterss and TB have not changed, but.. I was not checking any other plugins for versions. Something else may have auto-updated?

I'll take it. Just wish I understood it. :)

cbroult commented 2 years ago

I just want to say I also have that issue for some days now. I reinstalled Thunderbird after removing my profile data and that did not solve the issue. I installed and so far I got the following output in the console:

1 quickFilters.util.popupAlert() 
notificationBox.appendNotification is not a function
 2 [qFilters-utils.js:438](chrome://quickfilters/content/qFilters-utils.js)
Passing provided credentials for user <cbroult> to nsIHttpChannel. [HttpRequest.jsm:612:21](chrome://tbsync/content/HttpRequest.jsm)

​ I am happy to help debug this.

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

I just want to say I also have that issue for some days now. I reinstalled Thunderbird after removing my profile data and that did not solve the issue. I installed [] ​I am happy to help debug this.

What version of Thunderbird are you using - is it a beta version? For non-ESR versions of Thunderbird (versions > 91.*) you can use the latest prerelease at the bottom of:

cbroult commented 2 years ago

I use 91.8.1 which is a release version. I just installed the suggested Quickfilter version and upgraded to TB 100.0b3 (64-bit)

cbroult commented 2 years ago

Now I see the following in the console:

This page is in Almost Standards Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false [quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36](chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-folderTree.js)
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false [quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36](chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-folderTree.js)
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false [quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36](chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-folderTree.js)
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty]
cbroult commented 2 years ago
This page is in Quirks Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
2 [MimeMessage.jsm:621:24](resource:///modules/gloda/MimeMessage.jsm)
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false [quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36](chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-folderTree.js)
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty] ?:50
folderNameCol serverType-imap specialFolder-none biffState-NoMail isSecure-true noSelect-false imapShared-false [quickfolders-folderTree.js:63:36](chrome://quickfolders/content/quickfolders-folderTree.js)
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty]
RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

Now I see the following in the console:

This page is in Almost Standards Mode. Page layout may be impacted. For Standards Mode use “<!DOCTYPE html>”.
QuickFolders.FolderTree.getCellProperties(44,[object TreeColumn])
  returning unchanged props for folder [taxes.2021.done] : 
Component returned failure code: 0x80550007 [nsIMsgFolder.getStringProperty]

Disable debug mode in QuickFolders advanced settings. Is quickFilters working for you? For the "page in quirks mode" message, you can disable "show content" - these mainly debug emails, web pages and the landing page, not so much my Add-ons. image

RealRaven2000 commented 2 years ago

note that the 5.4.1 fixes only affect the icon of sliding notifications in Thunderbird release (91.8.1), this is what the notification in 5.4 looks like:


with 5.4.1 you should see this:


The problem of not automatically executing filters is not a quickFilters issue as I said before. During filtering, there is no action by quickFilters, the filters will also all run if you completely uninstall quickFilters.