RealYoti / project-amber

WebKit+Kernel exploit chain for all actual PS Vita firmwares
MIT License
20 stars 3 forks source link

Self host #4

Open chronoss09 opened 1 year ago

chronoss09 commented 1 year ago


Can i use it without internet on selfhosting ?

Yoti commented 1 year ago

Yes, you can. Only VitaShell tied to Internet (that's why it has "download" word in the menu).

chronoss09 commented 1 year ago

I test and i have a blackscreen after the exploit and my psvita shutdown :(

Yoti commented 1 year ago

Are you sure that you moved payload.bin file after building with SDK? From payload dir to the upper (root) one.

Darthagnon commented 1 year ago

Does Project Amber not require downloading Henkaku, gamesd.skprx, etc. externally?

The similar Henlo JB downloads Henkaku, VitaDeploy, gamesd.skprx, etc. externally, seems impossible to self-host without recompiling every time IP changes:

I'm wondering if there's a way to self-host the additional tools like VitaDeploy and VitaShell, or even, say, an arbitrary vpk...

Darthagnon commented 1 year ago

Compiled payload.bin can be downloaded from, in case anyone else is looking at self-hosting.

chronoss09 commented 1 year ago

It's only for Henkaku or for Vitadeploy too ?