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Writing: brainstorming #13

Open MarcoViola88 opened 4 months ago

MarcoViola88 commented 4 months ago

Hi guys, building upon the excitement of our meeting yesterday, I opened a new file here on GitHub for drafting the paper: It'll take me some time to finalize it, but in the meantime I'm open to suggestions about relevant literature: feel free to suggest some papers (including your own) for me to skim through :-D

For instance, have you seen this one?

marcosperduti commented 4 months ago

I'd like to signal this Interesting paper:

guidocor commented 2 months ago

Hi! Do you noticed the new pornographic database? [I feel totally like a scam bot, but I am an not, or I am? Maybe I am just and advanced selconscious AI writing about pornogrpaphy :P]

MarcoViola88 commented 2 months ago

Hi! Do you noticed the new pornographic database? [I feel totally like a scam bot, but I am an not, or I am? Maybe I am just and advanced selconscious AI writing about pornogrpaphy :P]

I am thrilled by the idea of a spam that is both a porn-bot and a predatory-research bot. Punchline: "Enlarge your H-index" :-P

Besides jokes, thanks Guido, the paper seems really really interesting. Here are some highlights that may interest us in case we want to apply that to Study2:

Within this study, participants were not divided into categories according to their self-identified sexual orientation but according to their sexual attraction to best account for sexual interests and not sexual identity, which could be further influenced by social norms and stigma

Participants then responded on a Likert-type scale ranging from 1 = I am only attracted to the other sex to 7 = I am only attracted to my own sex. There was also another option reserved for asexual people: I am not attracted to either sex. Individuals who described themselves as asexual related to their sexual orientation, transsexual, or non-binary related to their gender identity had to be excluded from the further analysis (n = 14) in order to compare M-OA, M-SA, W-OA, and W-SA.

I'm taking note about their strategy to cluster participants into sub-populations -- very useful if we want to use their imags, but maybe also if we don't

A single picture was displayed for 6 s, and then on the following pages adapted versions of the nine-point Self-Assessment Manikin (Bradley & Lang, 1994) rating scales for the dimensional affective ratings of valence, arousal and dominance were presented in a randomized order to avoid halo effects. Followingly nine-point Likert rating scales for the discrete emotional categories of disgust as well as moral and ethical acceptance were presented also in a randomized order. The disgust scale ranged from 1 – this picture is nothing at all, to 9 – this picture is extremely disgusting. The moral and ethical acceptance scale ranged from 1 – absolutely immoral, to 9 – totally acceptable.

Beside the Medusa Effect questions, I wouldn't mind asking our participants about disgust & moral acceptance. Given that the database includes paraphilia, it would be intriguing to know whether people deem inacceptable some kink on actual people, but not on fake people, wouldn't it be?

there are some limitations to this study. First, the EPPS ratings were collected from a population of rather young adults with a high educational background, recruited mainly at universities.

We may do a bit better there, especially if we use Prolific.

I've just requested access to the database Cc'ing @guidocor , let's see what the corresponding author says about it! :-)

MarcoViola88 commented 2 months ago

Note to self (but also to whomever could be interested): we could also use checking this other paper from the same group

MarcoViola88 commented 2 months ago

FYI today I managed to overcome my "blank page syndrome" (not sure that's how you translate it, but you get what I mean, right?). I have sketched a 1000-words sketchy intoduction. Let me emphasize the "sketchy" nature -- I think that much reworking (or even rewriting anew) is in order. Yet, better than a white page, right? Here's the draft in case you wanna jump in to correct and/or to suggest minor (e.g., linguistic, adding REFs) or even major (e.g., architectural) changes:

Antonio8424 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for sharing @MarcoViola88 ! Definetely better than IAPS ;-) I'll try to come up with some ideas in the next few days.