RealityBending / Pyllusion

A Parametric Framework to Generate Visual Illusions using Python
MIT License
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Practical considerations when using Illusions #11

Closed zen-juen closed 2 years ago

zen-juen commented 3 years ago

regarding limitations I think we could help with the aim of standardising things by including a ‘log/lab book’ feature in PyIllusion. For example, if someone is running the rod and frame experiment best practice would dictate that the centre of the display should be surrounded with a round occluder (imagine a cardboard cut-out of a doughnut shape) so that no straight edges are in the field of vision. Also, it would potentially be of interest if the room where the experiment was conducted was dimly lit, or what was the viewing distance and was there a chinrest used, or record the measured luminance etc. So, I’m thinking for each given illusion already packaged with PyIllusion we could have a small checklist that could be altered with ease in script (or via check boxes on the display). That way parameters that cannot be controlled for by PyIllusion may be documented. I guess this should be made optional for a given user so as to not put people off using the package but we could encourage and recommend it be used. It’d be not dissimilar to methods in a manuscript but would be nice if this information was contained in script/output. It could be cross-referenced against the methods and indeed would save having to dig through the manuscript for details too. Just a thought. We could even include a list of considerations for each illusion as a function call in Python.