Really-Simple-Plugins / complianz-gdpr

Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA)
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Building on the UI used in WordPress core: Settings - Privacy #389

Open paaljoachim opened 1 year ago

paaljoachim commented 1 year ago


It would be beneficial to think about ways to better integrate Complianz with the Privacy Setting in core. This screen:

Screenshot 2023-01-24 at 23 11 45

Let's say that Complianz was a part of core. What tabs would be added here to help with Privacy? Let's add some tab that can also link to additional Complianz (for instance) Tabs below the Settings - Privacy link.

Additional tabs

The above mockup shows additional tabs and in the sidebar a Complianz link to additional settings.

AertHulsebos commented 1 year ago

Hi @paaljoachim,

Thanks for your idea, I will have a look. We are preparing Complianz 7 for Beta, this will bundle tooling like data leak reporting, registration, snapshots of documents etc under one menu item. These I could logically see loaded under different tabs. For example; processing agreements, mostly overlooked but important to generate.

We do integrate with core privacy settings, in our own UI, for example including privacy texts from plugins in our generated privacy policy and using the WP privacy as default for free users.

In essence we are working on the same UI, which is a tabbed menu through the different items with React, without reloading. There would be no problem in getting everything situated under one menu-item.

You could start with one tab per document (privacy policy, consent/cookie policy, impressum, terms & conditions, processing agreements etc) and a tab for tooling - exporting, erasing data, registrations and snapshots of consent, data requests etc).

But on this slippery slope, you could even put Complianz under 'privacy' as a replacement. Food for thought.

regards Aert

paaljoachim commented 1 year ago

Hi @AertHulsebos

Those are interesting thoughts! How can I gain access to testing the beta? As I would like to go through and test and give feedback.

rlankhorst commented 1 year ago

@paaljoachim still working on it! It's a complete rebuild in react, hope to have something to show you in one or two months!

AertHulsebos commented 1 year ago

Hi @paaljoachim - We're expecting our React branche to be in Beta soon. For now, we released a a new Gutenberg Block so you can handle consent directly in the Site Editor. Just wanted to let you know we're still working towards a more fluent integration, for WordPress as well as Gutenberg.

We're also working on a headless integration. If you, or you know someone who can help map the Rest API to GraphQL for example, please let me know!

paaljoachim commented 1 year ago

Hi @rlankhorst and @AertHulsebos

I went ahead and made a post on the Advanced WordPress Facebook group:

I currently do not know of anyone that can help on the Rest API to GraphQL, but I will keep it in the back of my mind.

paaljoachim commented 1 year ago

I look forward to an update..:)

rlankhorst commented 1 year ago

Hi @paaljoachim, I've finished a first draft of 7.0, which is still quite buggy, and I'm now working through a list of issues. When that's done there will be another round of internal testing, I think by then it's far enough for you to take a peek 🫣