ReallySmallSoftware / cordova-plugin-firestore

A Google Firebase Firestore plugin to enable realtime synchronisation between app and cloud and automatically handle limited connectivity.
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I take it there are no login functions? #4

Closed larssn closed 6 years ago

larssn commented 6 years ago

We were giving this plugin hopeful glances, as IndexedDB performance in the official JS SDK is awful.

But it seems this is mostly a proof of concept?

ReallySmallSoftware commented 6 years ago

No, it's fully working AFAIK. Login is handled using one of the firebase authentication plugins and the state is maintained and passed to this plugin by firebase internally. So, for example, using my cordova-plugin-firebaseui-auth plugin you can authenticate and then take advantage of the database rules.

ReallySmallSoftware commented 6 years ago

@larssn Further to what I wrote, this talks about using Firebase Authentication in conjunction with Firestore.

larssn commented 6 years ago

Sounds good, we'll give it a go. 👍 Might fork it to update dependencies though. Firestore SDK is also up to 5.1.0.

edit: We missed the fact that there was no doc()/batch() support. :(