Realm667 / WolfenDoom

"WolfenDoom - Blade of Agony" | Important: This is only meant for development and testing purposes. You are NOT ALLOWED to use material from this repository for your own projects. Important: This repository is for development and testing purposes, you are NOT ALLOWED to use the copyrighted material for your own projects without our permission!
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[3.1] Preparing the release, what's new? (on June 9th, 2021) #733

Closed Tormentor667 closed 3 years ago

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

Just to keep track of things, a release date and what we want to achieve for the 3.1 release.

New Features

What else did I miss?

hawkwind3 commented 3 years ago

I have been informed that boa.exe has disabled toggle walk/run. if this is so, I consider this a bad move. Player should be able to decide whether to walk or run. Having the shift key permanently pressed just does not "cut it".

AFADoomer commented 3 years ago

It was never supposed to work, and was a limitation of the old ACS sprint handling. It's not going to change.

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

What’s new as well for 3.1?

Username-N00b-is-not-available commented 3 years ago

Well, 3.1 will mostly be a bugfix update. Out of 560 commits after April 30 more than 150 contain the word 'fix'. Are there any estimates on the release date..? What is important to finish ASAP, and what can be left for 3.2 or later? Most problems I noticed in my playthrough were not critical for example, I should probably make sublists of 'Important Issues' there... (edit: done)

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

The plan is to release 3.1 next week, I‘d suggest friday. Is this okay for everyone? (especially regarding the remaining critical issues) @AFADoomer @Talon1024 @DoomJedi @Ozymandias81 @doomjuan @Username-N00b-is-not-available @MuadDib90

MuadDib90 commented 3 years ago

@Tormentor667 Fine with me. Doing some testing stuff on E3, when I can. All issues are in here #863 and @Username-N00b-is-not-available has already nicely sorted them out.

AFADoomer commented 3 years ago

I'm good with that timeline...

Can we tag "Critical" issues with a ❗ or something like it at the beginning of the title so that we can prioritize what gets fixed? Or just a specific label?

Username-N00b-is-not-available commented 3 years ago

We can also use the 3.1 milestone:

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

We can also use the 3.1 milestone:

Can existing issues moved there somehow? Other than that I'd go for a prefix - [3.1] in this special case.

Username-N00b-is-not-available commented 3 years ago

@Tormentor667 Yes, they can (see Milestone at upper right panel). We can also use both methods simultaneously.

Talon1024 commented 3 years ago

I'm working on a script which can merge multiple MD3 models together, in order to (hopefully) help with the debris-related performance issues and the perpetually-falling debris issue. You can see it here.

I'm afraid releasing on Friday doesn't give me much time to finish it.

Ozymandias81 commented 3 years ago

Contains a couple of new eastereggs (Joy Division Album, a new tx from Nosferatu movies not used yet), new brightmaps for additional sprites, fixes for several sprites rotations. And regarding bmaps/fixes, I also guess friday is not feasible, maybe subsequent friday 2nd July? I am aware that there are also Euro 2020 quarter finals on that day too. We need new sounds for Masked Boss.

mcphail commented 3 years ago

What will be the target version of gzdoom for this one?

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

What will be the target version of gzdoom for this one?

Latest stable

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

@Talon1024 @Ozymandias81 I am okay with releasing it one week later, maybe we need that time.

x3003 commented 3 years ago

Is framedropping w/ better gfx cards still an issue ? For many ppl this is quite an issue. It seems that the latest version of windows could have solved this issue (partially ?). Or else the latest version of amd software. On the gzdoom forum someone suggested it (also ?) comes from mousepolling. So maybe this issue could / should be fixed before the release ? Also notice that when autosave kicks in, there's also a slowdown that ppl see as framedropping. You see that on quite a few vids. Could someone w/ a better card check for this ?

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

Well, when the engine saves the game, the cpu is doing some work, this is an engine flaw, we can't change much about it.

Ozymandias81 commented 3 years ago

Framedropping happens even on ultraoptimized engines such as Quakespasm for Quake when quicksaving/loading , so pretty sure this is unavoidable in any circumstances.

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

I'm in vacation from 1st to 4th of June, so I'd release 3.1 on 5th of June, is this okay for you?

You mean July, right? :laughing: --Ozy81

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

I am in a short vacation until Sunday evening, so sorry for the current little activity from me. Maybe it’s a good idea to postpone the release until Friday.

Username-N00b-is-not-available commented 3 years ago

Until Friday, 11 June 2021? :-) I think we should add performance improvements as a separate bullet point to the list.

Ozymandias81 commented 3 years ago

Maybe let's postpone of one more week yes, 11 would be cool. I will have a vacation since 16th of July to 23rd.

AFADoomer commented 3 years ago

All dates are OK for me...

I'm on vacation today through part of next week, then my wife has surgery the next week, then I'm out again first week of August. Will be able to work on BoA intermittently throughout.

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

Enjoy your vacation all together and best wishes for the surgery of your wife @AFADoomer

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

![Uploading 950F5D04-572A-45E9-B472-FDBC1D9F9B28.jpeg…]()

…and greetings from Austria :)

MuadDib90 commented 3 years ago

I join the wishes @AFADoomer. :)

Ozymandias81 commented 3 years ago

Change of trip plan for me, I will leave since 26th for 10 days mostly... Wish your wife all the best @AFADoomer :muscle:

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

Getting back from vacation tomorrow evening and will do some work then. Do you think a mostly finished and bugfree release on Friday 9th of July is doable?

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

Posted some news:

Talon1024 commented 3 years ago

It's out @mcphail @Alexander-Wilms

GZDoom: g4.6.0 BoA: v3.1 Addons

Also, it would be cool if @mgrinzPlayer's launcher could be added to either the Snap or Flatpak releases of BoA.

Tormentor667 commented 3 years ago

Congratulations to everyone involved - 3.1 is released and in my opinion we all really did a great job on that improved version. It wasn't easy, but we made it. Thanks also to everyone testing the game, the betatesters have been doing an amazing job, and it wouldn't be as good as it is without you.

MuadDib90 commented 3 years ago

Congratulations to everyone involved - 3.2 is released

You sure meant 3.1 😅