Rebecca115 / CITS-5505-group-work

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Discussion on Our Website Future Development #128

Open ClareUWA opened 1 month ago

ClareUWA commented 1 month ago

Study Perth Assistant is a web application designed to assist students in Perth with managing and accessing educational resources. As we continue to evolve and improve our platform, we have identified two key areas for future development and enhancement. Your feedback and suggestions are highly valued.

Future Development and Feature Enhancement Mobile Application Development

Native Mobile App: Develop a native mobile application for both iOS and Android platforms to provide a seamless and accessible user experience on the go. This will allow students to easily access resources, post questions, and receive notifications directly on their mobile devices. Enhanced User Interaction

Real-time Chat Support: Implement a real-time chat feature to provide instant support and assistance to users. This will enable students to get immediate help with their questions and issues, improving the overall user experience and engagement on the platform.

I believe these enhancements will significantly improve the Study Perth Assistant platform, making it an indispensable tool for students in Perth.

Thank you, team, for your hard work and dedication to the Study Perth Assistant project.

Kind regards,

Clare Li

ziqichen55555 commented 1 month ago

Dear Clare Li,


Thank you very much for your valuable suggestions for the future development and function improvement of Study Perth Assistant. Your feedback is very valuable, and I very much agree with the two directions you proposed for mobile application development and enhancing user interaction.

In addition, I think the system can be further optimized in the following aspects:

Multi-language support: Considering the needs of international students, multi-language support is added to help non-native English-speaking students make better use of platform resources. Community interaction platform: Create a student community platform to promote interaction and communication among students, and share learning and life experiences and resources.

We believe that with everyone’s joint efforts, Study Perth Assistant will become an indispensable study assistant for Perth students.

Cheers, Chris