RebelTechnology / FortRebel

Infrastructure at Rebel HQ
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Google+ Setup #59

Closed enricobertelli closed 8 years ago

enricobertelli commented 8 years ago

Please send Pic for logo (banner style and thumbnail). Short motto (50 characters)

pingdynasty commented 8 years ago

Logo in SVG

pingdynasty commented 8 years ago

This is the quirp I wrote for the Barcelona meeting: Rebel Technology is a tech collective based in London that has been creating innovative music electronics since 2009. They are the makers of several popular and unique Eurorack modules including Stoicheia: the Euclidean sequencer, Bit Reactor: a low-fi bit crusher and downsampler, and Chronos: tap tempo and LFO. Rebel Technology also ran the successful Kickstarter campaign for the OWL, a high-performance, fully programmable fx pedal, which is now coming out in modular format. All their products are Open Source and Open Hardware, and several models are available as DIY kits. Hackers, modders, benders and builders - Rebel Technology salute you!

enricobertelli commented 8 years ago
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-66336848-1', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');

enricobertelli commented 8 years ago
  (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),

  ga('create', 'UA-66336848-2', 'auto');
  ga('send', 'pageview');


This is the script for the Hoxton OWL

pingdynasty commented 8 years ago

enricobertelli commented 8 years ago

Google+ is now alive and kicking. When you have time, you should add people to the circles and start posting some stuff there. Thanks! Enrico