Receipt-Wrangler / receipt-wrangler-desktop

Desktop client for Receipt Wrangler
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Support different decimal separators #310

Open jonmuell opened 3 months ago

jonmuell commented 3 months ago

English speaking countries are using a dot (.) as decimal point and a comma (,) as thousands separator. In many other countries it is the other way around, which is currently not supported by Receipt Wrangler.

As a German, I would like to be able to use the currently unsupported variant. This would allow me to enter the amount with only my numpad. The correct separator could be based on the chosen currency (easy) or browser locale (a bit more work).

Currently supported format: 1,000.99€ Requested format: 1.000,99€

Noah231515 commented 3 months ago

Yeah this is a great point. I'll come up with a way for users to have full control over currency formats.