Open intelliant01 opened 2 years ago
@cyberorg Installed the above. Anything else needed?
apt install `check-language-support -l te`
Community driven and supported Telegu language translations can be installed by admin by executing the below in a Terminal -
su -
mssupdate add-amd64-language te
Enter mssadmin's password when prompted.
Note: Internet connection is required on the MSS for the same.
Not baking in support for any more languages into the default image since it can be done dynamically within around 30 minutes by the end users. Will only 'build in' when there is a case of mass installations for a particular case.
Not baking in support for any more languages into the default image since it can be done dynamically within around 30 minutes by the end users. Will only 'build in' when there is a case of mass installations for a particular case.
This has a downside that systems with custom language added will not be eligible for the rolling release of updates to image via zsync. Hence will have to re-think.
To try -
apt install firefox-locale-te hunspell-te hyphen-te language-pack-gnome-te language-pack-te libreoffice-l10n-te hunspell
- optional