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Openoffice needed instead of Libreoffice for Gujarat board users #198

Closed intelliant01 closed 2 years ago

intelliant01 commented 2 years ago

They need matching menu items and interface as that of their text books. Libreoffice and Openoffice may not coexist. Hence one of them can only be provided.

intelliant01 commented 2 years ago

Solution 1: Customise the menus in Libreoffice Most time consuming and yet there may be differences.

Solution 2: Uninstall libreoffice and install openoffice -

Solution 3: See if they can both simultaneously exist on a system but dynamically delete menu items of one of them via ltsp.conf

Solution 2 and 3 shall require fixing the menu item visibility when using dark themes in Ubuntu. Open /opt/openoffice4/program/soffice with a text editor as root. It is a shell script. Add the following lines. Insert them somewhere on top below the very first line. Do not append.


From - Re: Dark mode since install, Openoffice not usable

Solution 2 obviously works. 3 needs to be explored.

intelliant01 commented 2 years ago

Opted for solution 3. Added the following to ltsp.conf [clients] section -

POST_INIT_RM_OPENOFFICE_MENU="cp /usr/bin/soffice.libre /usr/bin/soffice && rm -f /usr/share/applications/openoffice*.desktop"
POST_INIT_RM_LIBREOFFICE_MENU="cp /usr/bin/ /usr/bin/soffice && rm -f /usr/share/applications/libreoffice*.desktop"

Checklist for release -

intelliant01 commented 2 years ago

Note: For future updates to image, may have to use - sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install libreoffice-common to allow overwriting of /usr/bin/soffice.