There is no need for FAQ because it would be replaced with a chatbot.
The sitemap is not required as it is not functional in the website, and the purpose of it has been taken by this navigation component.
Exclude i10n button for now.
It is alright to do small adjustment as long as the positioning and scaling is remain the same.
Create a navigation component that is similar to this layout from this website
There should be these properties:
(for clicking home button)onNewFeedbackRequested
(for clicking new feedback)onFeedbackEnquiryRequested
(for clicking feedback enquiries)onComplainantLoginRequested
(for clicking complainant login)onOfficerLoginRequested
(for clicking officer login)There is no need for FAQ because it would be replaced with a chatbot. The sitemap is not required as it is not functional in the website, and the purpose of it has been taken by this navigation component. Exclude i10n button for now.
It is alright to do small adjustment as long as the positioning and scaling is remain the same.