Recode-Hive / Scrape-ML

For new data generation Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project we have writtern a python script to fetch📊, data from the 💻, imdb website 🌐 and converted into txt files.
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Added data preprocessing (cleaning, stemming) and visualizations to amazon_scrapping/Sentiment_Analysis.ipynb #158

Closed Harshitmishra001 closed 3 weeks ago

Harshitmishra001 commented 3 weeks ago

Related Issue

Added data preprocessing (cleaning, stemming) and visualizations to amazon_scrapping/Sentiment_Analysis.ipynb Issue #157


Added clean_text Function: The clean_text function only performed lowercase conversion, punctuation removal, tokenization, and stop word removal. Added Visualizations: I added two visualization sections to the code: Confusion Matrix Visualization: The confusion matrix shows how the model classified different ratings and helps identify where it makes mistakes (false positives, false negatives). Rating Distribution Visualization: to visualize the distribution of ratings in the dataset.

Type of PR

Screenshots / videos (if applicable)

Screenshot 2024-06-01 232218 Screenshot 2024-06-01 232230 Screenshot 2024-06-01 232241 Screenshot 2024-06-01 232259


Additional context:

Hey! I am A begginer in Machine Learning and did What I thought could overall help the code better. Anyway for me to imporve are welcome Thank You!