Recode-Hive / Scrape-ML

For new data generation Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project we have writtern a python script to fetch📊, data from the 💻, imdb website 🌐 and converted into txt files.
MIT License
80 stars 116 forks source link

Smart select feature gui created #179

Closed litesh1123 closed 3 weeks ago

litesh1123 commented 3 weeks ago

Gui interface created it will extract any kind of text from screenshots in GUI interface user can directly navigate and add screenshot from desktop and text will be extracted from ss and shown in interface ,if user wants to store they can also create file and store from interface

output Screenshot 2024-06-08 092335

Screenshot 2024-06-08 092534 i will further refine in accuracy feature

sanjay-kv commented 3 weeks ago

I need to connect with you understand more in detail about this and future implementations.