Recode-Hive / Scrape-ML

For new data generation Semi-supervised-sequence-learning-Project we have writtern a python script to fetch📊, data from the 💻, imdb website 🌐 and converted into txt files.
MIT License
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[Feature] Analyze IMDB ratings using ChatGPT and NLP #190

Open KrishnaPriyaKanduri opened 2 weeks ago

KrishnaPriyaKanduri commented 2 weeks ago

Description: This feature request involves developing a system to analyze IMDB ratings using ChatGPT and natural language processing (NLP) techniques. The system should be able to:

Scrape IMDB ratings and reviews. Use NLP to analyze sentiment and extract relevant insights from the reviews. Summarize the analysis results, highlighting key patterns and trends in the data.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for raising a issue, Hope you enjoing the open source. we try to reply or assign as soon possibe. Connect with mentor.