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Update #333

Closed AKSHITHA-CHILUKA closed 2 weeks ago

AKSHITHA-CHILUKA commented 2 weeks ago

This document now includes comprehensive details about the project's goals, dataset, setup, model architectures, and training processes, along with a clear comparison and conclusion about the models.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for submitting your pull request! 🙌 We'll review it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please ensure that your changes align with our If there are any specific instructions or feedback regarding your PR, we'll provide them here. Thanks again for your contribution! 😊

sanjay-kv commented 2 weeks ago

give me a sample how its look like, the current readme looks better.

AKSHITHA-CHILUKA commented 2 weeks ago

give me a sample how its look like, the current readme looks better.



This project aims to implement a drowsiness detection system using deep learning techniques, comparing the performance of a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a Random Forest classifier for binary classification tasks. DROWSINESS DETECTION USING DEEP LEARNING


The dataset for this project can be accessed from the following link: Goal -This project aims to implement a drowsiness detection system using deep learning techniques, comparing the performance of a convolutional neural network (CNN) with a Random Forest classifier for binary classification tasks.

Setup and Installation

Dataset -The dataset for this project can be accessed from the following link: EEG Driver Drowsiness Dataset.

  1. Python Environment: Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system.
  2. Libraries: Install the necessary libraries using pip: Setup and Installation -Python Environment: Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system.

    pip install tensorflow scikit-learn matplotlib

Libraries used

  1. Numpy
  2. Pandas
  3. sklearn
  4. Keras
  5. Tensorflow
  6. matplotlib

Model Implementation

Model - 1

Libraries: Install the necessary libraries using pip: -pip install tensorflow scikit-learn matplotlib

Libraries used 1.Numpy 2.Pandas 3.sklearn 4.Keras 5.Tensorflow 6.matplotlib

Model Implementation Model 1 Architecture Description:

-Input Layer: Receives sequences of length 12 with one feature dimension. -Convolutional Blocks: Four blocks, each with two convolutional layers followed by element-wise addition (residual connection). Filters increase progressively (32, 64, 128, 256), ReLU activation. -Global Average Pooling Layer: GlobalAveragePooling1D layer computes the average of each feature map across all spatial locations. -Dense Layers: Four Dense layers (128, 90, 64, 32 neurons) with ReLU activation. -Output Layer: Single neuron with sigmoid activation for binary classification. Training Description:

Model - 2

-Optimizer: Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with learning rate 0.001 and momentum 0.9. -Loss Function: Binary Crossentropy. -Regularization: No explicit regularization mentioned. -Normalization: No explicit normalization mentioned. Model 2 Architecture Description:

Training Description:

Training and Evaluation


Training and Evaluation -Data Splitting: The dataset was split into training and testing sets using an 80:20 ratio. -Training: The CNN model was trained for 150 epochs with a batch size of 4. -Evaluation Metrics: Accuracy was used as the evaluation metric for both models.

Results To provide a conclusion based on the three models provided:

  1. Model 1: This model consists of four convolutional blocks with residual connections, followed by global average pooling and dense layers. It employs convolutional layers to capture local patterns in the input sequences, while residual connections facilitate gradient flow and help in mitigating the vanishing gradient problem. The model architecture seems suitable for sequential data processing tasks, especially with its residual connections and global pooling layer. Model 1: This model consists of four convolutional blocks with residual connections, followed by global average pooling and dense layers. It employs convolutional layers to capture local patterns in the input sequences, while residual connections facilitate gradient flow and help in mitigating the vanishing gradient problem. The model architecture seems suitable for sequential data processing tasks, especially with its residual connections and global pooling layer.

Model 2: Unlike the first model, Model 2 employs a simpler architecture with convolutional layers followed by pooling and dense layers. It lacks residual connections and global pooling, which may limit its ability to capture long-range dependencies in sequential data. However, it may still perform adequately for simpler tasks or datasets with less complex patterns.

  1. Model 2: Unlike the first two models, Model 3 employs a simpler architecture with convolutional layers followed by pooling and dense layers. It lacks residual connections and global pooling, which may limit its ability to capture long-range dependencies in sequential data. However, it may still perform adequately for simpler tasks or datasets with less complex patterns. Conclusion:


The choice of the best model depends on factors such as the complexity of the dataset, computational resources, and the specific requirements of the task at hand.

sanjay-kv commented 2 weeks ago

this look like chatgpt response to me.