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Adding earthquake prediction model #469

Closed PadmalathaKasireddy closed 1 day ago

PadmalathaKasireddy commented 3 days ago

Pull Request Description: Earthquake Prediction Overview: This pull request adds a comprehensive Earthquake Prediction project utilizing the dataset /kaggle/input/the-ultimate-earthquake-dataset-from-1990-2023/Eartquakes-1990-2023.csv from Kaggle. The project employs machine learning models to predict seismicity levels (low, medium, high) based on earthquake parameters spanning from 1990 to 2023. Changes Made:

Notebook: • Implemented Earthquake_Prediction.ipynb: This notebook integrates the following key components: o Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Investigates the dataset's characteristics using histograms, scatter plots, count plots, and correlation heatmaps. o Data Preprocessing: Creates a categorical target variable ('seismicity') based on earthquake magnitudes, bins the magnitudes into predefined categories, and handles missing data. o Modeling and Evaluation: Implements three classifiers:  Naive Bayes Classifier (GaussianNB): Performs classification based on Gaussian distribution assumptions.  Support Vector Machine (SVM): Applies a linear kernel for classification.  Random Forest Classifier: Utilizes an ensemble of decision trees for classification. o Model Evaluation: Assesses model performance using accuracy scores, classification reports, and confusion matrices. o Visualization: Includes visual representations such as scatter plots, histograms, and heatmaps to interpret data and model outcomes.

Dataset: • Included /kaggle/input/the-ultimate-earthquake-dataset-from-1990-2023/Eartquakes-1990-2023.csv: This dataset contains comprehensive earthquake data attributes necessary for the project, including magnitude, location coordinates, depth, tsunami occurrence, and significance. Summary of Analysis: • Conducted thorough exploratory analysis to understand earthquake data patterns and correlations. • Trained multiple machine learning models to predict seismicity levels based on significant earthquake parameters. • Evaluated model performance using standard metrics and visualized results to enhance interpretability and insights. Additional Notes: • The notebook is structured for clarity and includes detailed explanations of each step and visualization. • Dataset integrity and completeness have been ensured for reliable analysis and model training.

Screenshots: • image image image image image


github-actions[bot] commented 3 days ago

Thank you for submitting your pull request! 🙌 We'll review it as soon as possible. In the meantime, please ensure that your changes align with our If there are any specific instructions or feedback regarding your PR, we'll provide them here. Thanks again for your contribution! 😊