ReconJSON / ReconJSON

ReconJSON is a project dedicated to creating a flexible and consistent JSON format across popular recon tools.
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Use cases, project scope, adoption, and some thoughts #10

Open jobertabma opened 6 years ago

jobertabma commented 6 years ago

Hi team,

Thanks for putting this together! I wanted to give some high level feedback on the current implementation and I have some questions about its future and wanted to share some of my thinking on it. Feel free to ignore things you disagree with or don't believe are important. Some of it might've come up in other issues already. I scanned them briefly and will leave out things that others have already brought up. I applaud the effort and would love to be involved in some way!

I think there are a number of rabbit holes here that you may want to avoid, and they're mainly around scoping and getting this to a first stable version. I'd encourage you to define the use cases and scope first and then write the spec. Right now it's unclear and feels too detailed / prone to be nitpicked upon.

Feel free to close this issue and merge it into separate threads if that's easier. I also jotted down some thoughts on the (technical) implementation, but I'd love your feedback on this first so we focus on the right things given that it's so early on in the project.

Rhynorater commented 6 years ago

@jobertabma - this is awesome feedback. Thanks so much! Here are my thoughts point by point.

Thanks again for contributing, and I'd love to hear your further thoughts on the technical implementation.

deadbits commented 6 years ago

"Given that the data that'll be stored using the specification is volatile, I'd think it'd be useful to have a generic set of attributes that give some insight into when the information was discovered, like last_observed_at which would contain an ISO 8601 date/time notation."

I highly agree with this. Including fields such as last_observed / first_observed aka first_seen and last_seen would be a huge help. Many existing platforms include this already using one field name or another but the results is the same.

Depending on the artifact, you could use a submission_dates field to identify when/if this artifact was seen more than once and users could simply count that list to get a unique count on submissions for the artifact.

Rhynorater commented 5 years ago

@jobertabma To swing back around on this, here is where we are at with each of your action items:

  1. Answered above
  2. Answered above
  3. The first stable version is a standard fully capable of describing a Host (as per the file)
  4. Answered above - We're getting some great community involvement!
  5. Fixed this issue - see httpUrl
  6. See above question
  7. We are implementing this per #21!
  8. We're working on our use of singular and plurals. That will be resolved soon. However, we have decided to go with lowerCamelCase.