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cleanup/Isolate CSS #46

Closed amnevins closed 6 years ago

amnevins commented 6 years ago

Prefix all CSS selctors not in main.css with the id of the template they belong too so that conflicts dont happen with main. Only media queries in Main Prefer REM

sethborne commented 6 years ago

I always liked It's the End of the World, never got the popularity of Losing my Religion...

amnevins commented 6 years ago

Lol - End of the world is the perfect song to describe the state our css is becoming

sethborne commented 6 years ago thing to chat about tomorrow. I think we should put all responsive CSS ( media queries ) - into its own file at the end of all the CSS links?

amnevins commented 6 years ago

I agree ^

sethborne commented 6 years ago


sethborne commented 6 years ago

Question - if the header.css and footer.css are prefixed with tag selectors (header and footer, respectively) will this work?

Or do both of these files need a id for the header/or footer instead of the tag?

Since these shouldn't (well, I'll make sure they don't) get split out to any other css files, unless something would get added to responsive.css... It seems like the tag selectors should be enough?

MynockSpit commented 6 years ago

Probably? The only issue is that header and footer could exist in other parts of the UI -- semantically they simply mean they're the header and footer of a section. Might be safer to do something like body>header.

sethborne commented 6 years ago

cool, I can give a rabbit a carrot... >

sethborne commented 6 years ago

so everything is prefixed, and all responsive in responsive.css