Red-Fairy / ZeroShotDayNightDA

[ICCV 2023 oral] Official repository of the paper "Similarity Min-Max: Zero-Shot Day-Night Domain Adaptation"
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Missing Post-Adaptation Model for Visual Place Recognition #5

Closed EvelinYin closed 2 months ago

EvelinYin commented 2 months ago

Here is what I got from the model zip file:

├── action-recognition
│   ├── daytime-pretrained
│   │   └── action-recognition_ep-0050.pth
│   └── post-adaptation
│       └── action-recognition_ep-0010.pth
├── classification
│   ├── baseline_resnet
│   │   └──
│   ├── darkening_model
│   │   └── Epoch15.pth
│   └── ours
│       └──
├── __MACOSX
│   ├── action-recognition
│   │   ├── daytime-pretrained
│   │   └── post-adaptation
│   ├── classification
│   │   ├── baseline_resnet
│   │   ├── darkening_model
│   │   └── ours
│   └── segmentation
│       ├── baseline_RefineNet
│       ├── darkening_model
│       └── ours
└── segmentation
    ├── baseline_RefineNet
    │   └── best_weights.pth.tar
    ├── darkening_model
    │   └── Epoch15.pth
    └── ours
        └── best_weights.pth.tar

According to the code, I can see that the pretrained day-time model is simply the pretrained resnet-101, and I could successfully derive the darkening model from that. However, I failed to reproduce the result of the visual place recognition experiment as the one in the paper (MAP 90.4). Could you please share the trained post-adaptation model? Thanks.

Red-Fairy commented 2 months ago


I have updated the post-adaptation model in the Google Drive link.