Red-Folder / bgs-core

Core code for the Cordova Background Service
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Android 6 and 7 are not working #74

Open Proto99 opened 7 years ago

Proto99 commented 7 years ago

Android 6 and 7 are not working

Hello, primarily this plugin is nice. Android 5 te works fine. But android 6 reports that the code runs for more than 50 ms. This is a big problem. And the background service is not running when the application is terminated in Android 6. I follow all cases from android LogCat. When I open the application, your code works as much as 54 ms as I calculate it. The maximum is 65 ms.

If you help me, I will be glad.

Thank you

Red-Folder commented 7 years ago

Are you actually receiving an error message? If so, please provide

Proto99 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your quick turn, I get the error message to this page -> ""

Red-Folder commented 7 years ago

Please provide the specific error you are receiving and under what circumstances.

Proto99 commented 7 years ago

The error does not work in android 6 and 7. But in the .js file everything is normal "myService.registerForBootStart -> ok MyService.registerForUpdates -> ok MyService.startService -> ok MyService.setConfiguration -> ok MyService.enableTimer -> ok "

  And while the application is open "Timer task starting work Syncing result Sending to all listeners Sent listener - 0 Timer task completing work "

  But when we close the application completely, the background service is not active. Android 6 and 7 say "Keep the CPU On" as a suggestion. When the application closes, all the activities of the application are turned off. I can not get any messages at LogCat

Red-Folder commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately without an error message, I really can't provide any assistance.

I don't have an environment to be able to test the background service so am unable to replicate the issue.

Proto99 commented 7 years ago

You can also test on the simulator on android 6/7. If you can test any android 6/7 devices, you can see that the background service is not active. The device I tested does not work on "Huawei P9 Lite" (android 6) and "general mobile 5 plus" (android 7) devices. But "LG 3" (android 5) works. When you understand the problem, if you come back, I'm happy. A very important topic for me

Red-Folder commented 7 years ago

Sorry, but as per the README notice - I do not have a development environment for this project any longer - neither do I plan on creating one. Cordova is simply not a priority to me.

If you had an actual error to investigate, I may have been able to provide advice. But in the absence of one, I simply do not have the time (or desire) to recreate your problem. But as it stands there is nothing I can do for you.

I will leave this issue open incase someone else can provide you with assistance.