Red-Folder / bgs-core

Core code for the Cordova Background Service
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It's Possible Call Javascript Function ? #91

Closed RizkaOMG closed 6 years ago

RizkaOMG commented 6 years ago

I try make run some function from javascript because when user clear all recent app function on app will be stop but stiil running. It's possible to call JS function in ? because I need notification when APP closed. I used local notification from cordova. I already used javax.script but it show error when I build android. Thanks

Red-Folder commented 6 years ago

No, there is no method to run JavaScript from if the Cordova instance has been killed.

I would advise moving converting your logic from JavaScript to Jave and running within

If however, you are just pushing notifications to your app - I'd suggest looking at something like Google Cloud Messaging instead

iamisti commented 6 years ago

@Red-Folder do you think it is possible to call a third party android library from 'MyService'? Can you put me on the track and tell me how if it's possible? Thanks a lot in advance!

iamisti commented 6 years ago

wow that was a nice answer :D