Red-Studio-Ragnarok / Fancier-Block-Particles

Turn boring particles into fancier particles!
GNU General Public License v3.0
9 stars 4 forks source link

FBP causes bugs with Dynamic Surroundings #39

Open calreveraster opened 9 months ago

calreveraster commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug

When FBP and Dynamic Surroundings are installed together, several of the particle effects created by DS (which are desirable to keep) don't render, such as ripples on water during rain, and visible breath in cold biomes.


Please try to reproduce the issue with as few other mods as possible. Then check one of the following checkboxes according to your results. To check a checkbox, replace the space between the square brackets with an x (like this [x]) or create the issue and check the checkbox by clicking on it.

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

1.) Install FBP and Dynamic Surroundings 2.) Observe that the DS effects cease to function

Expected behavior

Since the particle effects in DS have nothing to do with block breaking/placement/etc, I'd like to see FBP have some logic to simply not touch anything coming from DS. All the effects in DS are configurable, so the end user can decide which ones to mix and match with FBP to make it look the way they want it to.



All of these info below are not necessary but may become necessary depending on the issue

calreveraster commented 9 months ago

Never mind, the new version 0.8 dev 16 fixes this. I'm closing. Sorry for the false report!

calreveraster commented 9 months ago

Never mind, need to add some additional context and reopen:

on the latest version (0.8 dev 16) it works as long as you load into the world with the fancy weather disabled. If you turn on fancy weather at any point, the issue returns and the DS particles disappear.

If you then disable fancy weather, you can reload into the world and the DS particles return.