Red-Studio-Ragnarok / Valkyrie

As the Valkyries' whispers guide us, we carve our path to a Valhalla of optimized Minecraft gameplay.
MIT License
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Title screen versions #64

Open tier940 opened 3 months ago

tier940 commented 3 months ago

Once installed, the Forge version and the versions of other mods are not displayed on the title screen. This information is important and should be able to be displayed.

image image
Desoroxxx commented 3 months ago

This is actually a bug, my original intentions where to remove "static" info, like the Forge and Minecraft version, for Forge displaying a warning when it is outdated and nothing when it is up to date, and for Minecraft nothing.

Something went wrong with mods though, not sure if I just forgot that mods can add to this, or I missed something, or just a simple bug.

Anyway this will need to get fixed.