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Updating ServerSidePlaylist / to run with Red5 1.0.8 #228

Open ZEBRin opened 7 years ago

ZEBRin commented 7 years ago

Hi there!

I'm trying to update the ServerSidePlaylist example that was available a while ago on the forums, as this is exactly what I'm looking for to set up a webTV server, using Red5. Although I'm a newbie to all of this, I've been able to compile a version using Eclipse Neon, under a Red5 1.0.8 Runtime (Java 8). All seems to work smoothly (e.g. I can check the appStart and the playlist generation in the logs), but my client-side player (jwplayer based) keeps buffering endlessly, and I can't see any video from my playlist ever being played...

I've managed to trigger a serverStream.toString() reporting in my appConnect, to see what was "in" the playlist at the time of streaming it to a new connection, and here is the result:

[publishedName=webtv, controller=null,, isRewind=false, isRandom=false, isRepeat=true, items= [SimplePlayItem [created=82318215139074, name=watchmen.flv, start=-2, length=-1], SimplePlayItem [created=82318215276243, name=watchmen_vp6.flv, start=-2, length=-1], SimplePlayItem [created=82318215320941, name=terminator_vp6.flv, start=-2, length=-1], SimplePlayItem [created=82318215364243, name=terminator.flv, start=-2, length=-1] ], currentItemIndex=-1, currentItem=SimplePlayItem [created=82318215364243, name=terminator.flv, start=-2, length=-1],, scheduler=org.red5.server.scheduling.QuartzSchedulingService@3081f72c, liveJobName=null, vodJobName=ScheduledJob_4, vodStartTS=0, serverStartTS=1491557387737, nextTS=126119]

Do you see anything strange in this report that could put me on track to finding the issue? Thanks in advance for your help!

[] Operating system and version: Windows Server 2012R2 (VPS) [] Java version: 1.8.0_121 [] Red5 version: 1.0.8-M11

ZEBRin commented 7 years ago

No one to help me out? I can't figure out what direction I should be investigating to resolve this, but have the feeling I'm now close to making it work... :/ Let me know if I should post more (code, reports...)!

mondain commented 7 years ago

I'll look into this, I just don't know when it will be yet.

ZEBRin commented 7 years ago

Awesome, thx Mondain!